Horsehead is Q at Monroe. Shortly after his Q begins, he is sent to the glue factory. The gloom can be dangerous when you can’t see a wire strung across. And it’s dangerous when HH is your Q.
EE joined Kiefer and YHC for a solid pre-run. Kiefer claims he didn’t know he could run that fast. My bet is he can be even faster. EE quickly jets off to #F3Outland
The Thang
HH was going on some sort of recon mission. He apparently missed the booby trap wire strung across. He comes back complaining about elbow pain. I wave it off as normal HH refusal excuse. #compassion
SSH IC x20
IW IC x20
Mountain Climbe…..Nevermind, HH nearly puked due to pain.
Ignoring sanity, he decides to press on. We grab two sandbags and carry them over to the bottom of hotdog hill.
Partner up and do Sandbag squats while partner runs up to the top of Hotdog HIll and does 5 merkins. Flip flop and then repeat.
At this point, HH bows out as the pain is too much. We take the sandbags back to his truck and he heads off to the glue factory.
YHC takes over and off we go.
Mosey to the softball field across from the Farmer’s Market
Ark Loader x3
Round 1: Bear Crawl to First. Crab Walk to Second, Lunge Walk to 3rd. Frog Hop to Home
Round 2: Duck Waddle to First, Lunge Walk to Second, Panther Walk to 3rd, Bear Crawl to Home
Round 3: Bear Crawl to First, Frog Hop to Second, Lunge Walk to 3rd, Crab Walk to Home
Legs are shot so let’s do stupid stuff
The Softball field is in a nasty hole. And the hill is literally almost straight down at the point I took us too.
Bear Crawl up/Bear Crawl Down. The down is simply nasty. Great core work to keep yourself from falling down the hill.
Repeato but this time, Nekot’s arms do a refusal so he slides down the hill. Great work brother.
Mosey back to the park to Hotdog Hill on the steep side.
Backwards Run Up with Bombjacks at the top and then run back down. 7 Bombjacks first round all the way down to 1 Bombjacks. #smoker
Now Lunge Walk to the covered area. Much complaining at this point. #success
At the covered table, we put our feet on the table bench and do 10 shoulder taps each shoulder. Without resting, move your feet to the top of the table and do 10 more shoulder taps each should. Then repeat back on the bench.
After losing HH and Boondocks, we have 4 remaining and I see 4 swings. Mosey down to Swings for Donkey Kicks IC x15
Now we lunge walk again across the field to the bottom of Hotdog Hill.
Back at Hotdog Hill, we run up to the top and do the Pledge in honor of upcoming elections.
And then I see the backside of Hotdog Hill is also really steep. I mean, really steep. Bear Crawl Down and Bear Crawl Up. After Round 1, Nomad seems to be wanting a Round 2 and you can’t just do something once, so Repeato. #awfulcore
We run down Hotdog Hill and again, Nomad reminds me we can’t do something once so we ran back up Hotdog Hill to the flagpole and then back down.
At the bottom, TPC x50 against the vertical poles. Again Nomad says we can’t do something once so we do repeato with TPC x150
2 MOM:
Rosalita IC x21 (Your Espanol is terrible except for Kiefer)
Prayers for HH and Paige.
Thanks to Nomad for taking us out.
– So HH really did end up breaking his elbow. Sorry to hear that brother! Hope it heals quickly. Way to try to tough it out.
– The Ark Loader was a spectacular start for your legs. Only went downhill from there.
– Downhill Bear Crawls on steep descent were also spectacular. Well, Nekot’s slide down was spectacular.
– It was all on the fly but managed to smoke some legs. Nekot threatened to kick me on social media but then he was so hurt that he couldn’t lift his legs. #Qwisdom
– The backwards up Hotdog Hill is one of Kiefer’s favorites. He pulled it out again just for him.
Thanks for letting me lead (or well, letting me take over once we put HH down).
Glass Joe
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