He Was Serious About The Leg Day Thing

  • When:10/14/16
  • QIC: Ickey Shuffle
  • The PAX: Mermaid, Cane, Utah, Lorax, Brilleaux, Hops, Dear Abby, Bus Boy, Driver, Chelms, Margo, Paper Jam, Fire Marshall Bill, Ickey Shuffle

He Was Serious About The Leg Day Thing

On a downright pleasant Mid-October morning a crew of Centurion regulars (minus a few notable exceptions, more to come on that later) convened for a bout of vigorous exercise.  The good news was that YHC tweeted the night before that the morning’s activities would adhere to #BurpeeFreeOctober.  The bad news was that YHC also tweeted that today was leg day.  With no squat rack or trap bar available, how bad could it actually be?  Well, for at least one of us, who shall remain nameless, traversing the bleachers at a high school football game this evening proved to be a most painful endeavor.  A proper and eloquent disclaimer was given to keep the #Stumpfs happy and off we went.

Warmup: Run to the parking lot outside Panera Bread for COP, which the Q begins by announcing that running is awful.  COP consisted of 20 SSH, 20 LBC, 10 Merkins, and 10 Mountain Climbers in cadence.

Next we gathered at the base of the stairwell where instructions were given to perform 10 Squats, 10 Merkins, and 10 Plank Jacks, then to run up the stairs, to the other end of the plaza, and down the other staircase a total of five times.  Instructions were also given to perform the exercises slowly and with good form.  Chelms almost made it through two full reps before being admonished for questionable form by Mermaid.  About midway through the third round, YHC made a mental note that running is still awful, and that everyone else is fast, which is super annoying.

Run to the front of CCHS and find a spot of bench or wall suitable for an extended session of leg exercises.  A garbage truck taking its sweet time to pick up the school’s rubbish bins and haul their contents away made YHC have to shout the instructions for the next phase.  Said next phase consisted of 50 Split Squats with the left leg, 50 Split Squats with the right leg, and 50 dips.  It’s leg day after all, #YouWereWarned.  After this phase YHC felt that wondrous rush of blood into the leg muscles known as “the pump” that Arnold so wonderfully described in “Pumping Iron” so hopefully that was experienced throughout the PAX.

Run to the mouth of Tartarus, the region of torments and line up at the base of the first ramp.  Instructions were partially given for the next sequence of events.  YHC stated that we would begin by sprinting up the ramp, but since this is Centurion several PAX tried to jump the gun and get a head start.  After reeling in the overzealous, the other part of the instructions were given, following the sprint there would be 10 Squats, 10 Merkins, and 10 LBCs.  Gather at the base of the next ramp and repeat all the way up the deck, adding 10 reps of LBCs after each ramp to aid in the recovery.  Once we found ourselves at the summit of Tartarus YHC explained that we must now make our way back down, and we would accomplish this by lunge walking one ramp then sprinting the next in an alternating fashion until we returned to the base.  About a quarter of the way down the second of the lunge walk ramps Driver turned to YHC and muttered “You were serious about the leg day thing huh”?  Indeed sir, indeed.

Run back to launch lot.  Again, this being Centurion, several PAX took off at a brisk clip so they did not hear the Q announce that the pace was intended to be of the recovery variety.  Also, if one is able to run at such a pace at this juncture then YHC must question the commitment to the sprints.

Outsourced Mary:  In a not so subtle effort to mask what can be described as horrendous form on core exercises, the Q generously let each PAX take a turn leading the group in an exercise of his choosing.  A reminder was also given that we were still in the throes of #BurpeeFreeOctober however.  Highlights included Russian Twists, Heels to Heaven, LBCs, Flutters, Box Cutters (which are about as fun as watching LSU try to play offense), etc.  Fin.

Notable Absences:  Champagne, Iron Horse, Thunder Road, Abacus, Scabby

Moleskine:  If you decide you don’t feel like doing something for awhile, you can just hashtag it and it becomes a thing, like #BurpeeFreeOctober.  #TheMoreYouKnow.  YHC thinks this has potential and wouldn’t be surprised if it morphed into #BurpeeFreeAutumn.  You just never know when these things are going to go viral.  Thank you to Paper Jam for a powerful takeout.  YHC believes it is safe to say many of us are envious of that ability to speak off the cuff with such power, wisdom, and clarity of message.  Additional thank yous to our stalwart site Qs for continuing to push YHC out of the proverbial comfort zone and into the Q spot.  Make it a good and impactful weekend.

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Ickey Shuffle author

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High Tide
7 years ago

I recommend dropping the “October” or “Autumn” modifier in favor of simply #BurpeeFree.

I’d planned to make my first Centurion appearance since the completion of the parking deck (yeah, it’s been that long), but leg day at Meathead had left me unable. Maybe next time.

Chelms aka Tatertot
Chelms aka Tatertot
7 years ago

Agree that Paper Clip gave an awesome take out. Hopefully his Q this Friday will be just as good. First time in a long time I was the War Daddy – #sucks. Site had 8 R’s last week – might be a record. My form was perfect but as usual there are a few jealous PAX (at least Mermaid).

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