No Trespassing? What?

  • When:9/10/16
  • QIC: Buttermaker
  • The PAX: Spackler, Bounce, Dear Abby, McGee, Haze, and Buttermaker (Q)

No Trespassing? What?

6 PAX that decided spending their weekend running in the woods and sleeping in a van with a bunch of men sounded awful and instead decided to post up at DZ.  All veterans to tossed out a pretty weak disclaimer and got mobile.

The Thang:

Quick COP:

SSH X 20

Mountain Climber X 15

Head out to 51 and head about 1.2 miles up the library on the C/O Rea and 51

Cruise into the library parking lot

Get in groups of 3 for hair-burners

1st PAX pushes the plate while PAX 2 and 3 lunge walk behind.  Switch until getting to the speed bump toward the end of the parking lot.

Repeat to the starting point.

Stay in groups of 3 for some lifting and running.

PAX 1 runs the length of the parking lot while PAX 2 and 3 do called exercises.

Round 1 – PAX 1 Runs, PAX 2 curls the plate, and PAX 3 squats

Round 2 – PAX 1 runs, PAX 2 shoulder presses with the plate, and PAX 3 merkins

Round 3 – PAX 1 runs, PAX 2 tricep extensions with the plate, and PAX 3 LBC

Finish at the library for one more set of hair burners the length of the parking lot.

Grab the plates (switching between PAX) and head back towards the AO via the Calvary parking lot.

Quick Mary of:

Freddie Mercury


and something else that I forget

Back at the school finished off in our groups with 100 dips and 100 derkins

Partner one does the exercise and the other 2 run the parking lot.  Switch until getting to 100


I decided to try and mix it up a bit so made my way to Dick’s the other day to pick up the plates.  I knew they would be met with resistance based on who I knew would be there but decided to go with it either way.  I dropped the plates at the library on the way to the AO and didn’t notice the “No Tresspassing during non library hours” signs.  There was a lot of chatter during the run about where we were going.  McGee was convinced it was Calvary and others even thought I’d try to make it all the way to Davies.  Not with Bounce in tow…simply wouldn’t make it.  When I pulled the weight plates from the bushes the mutiny really began.  There was a lot of “hell no” type of comments primarily coming from Spackler’s direction.  A few observations and I’m sure I’m missing many…

  • Props to Spackler for making it.  Say what you want about him, but he is committed.  After his text to me around 11pm the night before detailing his antics, I thought there was a 50/50 he would make it.  He got out of his rig looking like 10lbs of sh*t in a 5lb bag, smelling of a mix of bong water and cheap brew…but he made it.  Good for you Spackler…you are solid like that.
  • Bounce is always the first guy in the parking lot whenever he posts.  What time do you get up?
  • Bounce was also apparently early because they didn’t take his VIC coupon for his ankle brace which he was a bit bent about.
  • Spackler and Dear Abby couldn’t pull into the AO at more opposite speeds.  Spack pulls in like his wife is riding shotgun and about to give birth and DA glides in like he is coasting on fumes.
  • Bounce, Spackler, and I were contemplating bailing DZ and going to Flying Biscuit for breakfast and beers until Haze showed up.  We didn’t think he would approve.
  • McGee apparently has a girlfriend.  Well done.  Let’s take this offline
  • I 100% thought either DA or McGee (likely McGee) was going to floor Bounce.  He was running his jaw at a rapid pace.  First he insulted DA about The Agenda and then got into it with McGee about the dumpy track houses his company builds.  Just stop Bounce…just stop.
  • Speaking of DA..we had to pit stop at the Calvary bathrooms because DA had DA #gross.
  • Haze was the only one that thought carrying the plates back to the AO sounded like a good idea (other than me).  A lot of “guys…there are 2 25lb weights between 6 of us..we can do this”.  Always the cups half full kind of a guy.  Hugs, Haze.
  • Great to crop dust The Rock boys and even better to know that Hopper is still alive.  Good to see you, bro.
  • Spackler wanted to taunt the boys at The Rock with a chant of “Bunch of P*ssy’s but then he realized there was a juvenile involved.  #selfcontrol
  • I beat Haze.

All in all it was an hour well spent.  Haze…appreciate the takeout.   Appreciate you guys and Bounce posting up.  I don’t recall any announcements.


Bounce wants to get in on a BRR team next year.  Direct message him.

Enjoy the weekend.




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Buttermaker author

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7 years ago

1. Bounce has cankles

2. Def not healthy to post after the Friday night shenanigans

3. I need water

4. McGee should be careful w Bounce bc I hear Bounce just earned his yellow belt last week

5. Haze has small hands

6. Hairburners SUCK

7. I need water

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