Black Diamond 6/25: Do you guys live in this community?

  • When:6/25
  • QIC: Pebbles
  • The PAX: Bolt, Mary Lou, Thin Mint, Bounty Hunter, Ringer, Beast, General, Mario, Bratwurst, Howie, Fallout

Black Diamond 6/25: Do you guys live in this community?


12 PAX posted for the first “pool” themed Black Diamond.  I don’t think anybody was expecting to be drinking margaritas and sharing neighborhood gossip, but they decided to show up anyway.

We meet at 6:45 outside the half Olympic sized toddler toilet in the Rosemont Community in Indian Land, SC.  After a quick disclaimer and realizing my FOB won’t open the gate until 7am, we took off out of the parking lot for a quick warm up mosey black diamond style.

Its a bit of an unspoken BD tradition to run the warmup mosey at a nauseating pace, and the hills of Rosemont dr coupled with Bolt, Thin Mint, and Mary Lou running as the pacers didn’t make this warm up mosey any easier. I checked Thin Mints Strava after the BD and it looks like the lion share of the PAX were running sub 7min pace (at least he was)

Following the mosey the PAX lined up on the basketball court for some suicide variations.  The PAX completed about 6 total and all suicides were started from the prone aka (half burpee aka jrr tolken burpee)

By this time, a nice layer of sweat was begining to form on the PAX and the clock read 7:05, so it was time to hit the pool.

The Thang

1 -We started off with a basic Jacobs ladder-

Swim across the pool complete 5 burpees, jump back in the pool, swim back across complete 1 squat jump.  Decrease by one burpee and increase by one squat jump each lap and repeat until you complete 1 burped and 5 squat jumps.

This evolution way way more difficult than it would seem.  Many PAX had a hard time recovering during the swim since they were forced to breathe irregularly during swimming.

2- Freestyle Sprints

Pax left in two waves for an all out sprint across the pool. The top finishers in each wave faced off for a second race.  It was hard to tell if General or YHC came in first in the winners bracket, but I’m a humble guys so I’ll just call it a “tie”

3- Breast Stroke Mosey

Pax traversed the pool using the breast stroke without “using” their legs. Most PAX used their legs as little as possible, but some simply could not because they would likely “drown”


I distinctly remember doing merkins….but after more than 72 hours since this workout happened I can’t recall exactly when. So lets just say that we did them here.  We did a lot…and they were all awesome

5- Jacobs ladder (kinda)

swim across pool complete 5 bomb jacks (aka star jumps), swim back and complete 10 flutters. Next set is 6 and 12. Next set is 7 and 14…ect.  Complete until you complete 10 bomb jacks and 20 flutters

6-High knee pool sprints

PAX stood in about 4ft of pool water and sprinted across the pool with high knees x6

7- Box Jumps

PAX stood in about 1.5 to 2 ft of water and completed 10 box jumps x 3 sets


YHC really enjoyed this workout and I was happy to see that my neighborhood Facebook page didn’t crucify me for inviting a bunch of sweaty dudes to the pool. Props to Mario for brining the post workout beer. Best coffeteria ever.

General was especially impressive in the water.  I vote that we rename him to Minnow.

Really great to see everybody come out and continue to support BD.  I plan on hosting more workouts at the pool since it was a nice change of pace and it wasn’t unbearably humid.


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Pebbles_jl author

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Dark Helmet
7 years ago

That sounds absolutely terrible. And I would think that most of the ladies in the neighborhood would have given you a trophy for bringing sweaty dudes to the pool…

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