Cool Morning in CLT

  • When:6/18/2016
  • QIC: Wingman
  • The PAX: Thin Mint, Outback, Frasier, Muppet, Fireman Ed, Marketimer, Soft Pretzel, Fire Hazard, Haggis, Wild Turkey, Swiss Miss, Triple 7, Wingman

Cool Morning in CLT

Spent a lot of time on maps as usual. Trying to come with a good plan.
Weinke in pocket and 6:00 on the dot. Off we went…

Mosey to the Corner with Stone Sculpture
20x Imperial Walkers In Cadence (IC)
20x Side Stradle Hops IC
20x Low Slow Squat IC
20x Mountain Climbers IC

Mosey to the bottom of Ballantyne Village Deck
Fireman Ed mumbles something, laughter ensues. 5 burpee penalty

Run to top of Deck
At to of each ramp do 10 merkins for 60 Merkins
Go down the stairs, back up the stairs
Do 10 jump squats at bottom of each ramp on way down for 60
Circle back for the six

Head to the end of the deck for people’s chair
sit for about a minute
20 air presses
Instructions given on my mark All-You-Got to the other end of the deck

People’s chair for about a minute
20 air presses
Oon my mark All-You-Got to the do not enter sign near up ramp
Slow-burn LBCs x 20 IC

Round 2 to the top of the deck
10 merkins on way up for 60
Down Stairs, Up Stairs
10 Jump-Lunge (5 a leg) at each down ramp for 60
Circle back for the six.

Mosey to Costigan Park
Count of, split into 3 groups of 3 and one group fo 4
each group take a corner
20 Merkins, 15 dips at fountain
20 Wide-Armed Merkins, 15 dips at fountain
20 Diamond Merkins, 15 dips at fountain
10 Burpees, 15 dips at fountain
10 more Burpees waiting for the six.

Mosey back across to Ballantyne Corporate
YHC off by a turn so assemble for mary-merken combo.
starting position is 6 inches
20x Flutter IC, 10 Merkins
20x Dolly IC, 10 Merkins
20x LBC position, clasp hands and twist LBCs (no idea), 10 Merkins
20x Some Other Ab workout, 10 merkins

Mosey the long way home to finish right at 7a.

Thine Only Moleskine
Great morning in CLT for a workout. Could not have asked for better weather in June
Stairwell was a bit unpleasant but at least did not come with a ‘uptown funk’
All you got, gathered a few grumbles from the pax
Pax very happy to get into the open from the deck

YHC tried to keep up with Haggis on the all you got. He just gets faster as he goes
Fire Hazard killed it round 2, maybe his recovery is over.
Muppet was showing a strong display out there, only been a few weeks, keep it up brother.
Marketimer should patent the long-sleeve summer combo. Solid work!
Triple 7, ran in/out to workout this morning, was worried he’d miss us, but the keen eye (or late) Q saw
him and wasn’t gonna leave him. Great work!
Thin Mint is blazing fast,
Frasier was so fast in the deck YHC thinks i was still going up when he circled back for the six!
Outback and Soft Pretzel left nothing on the tank today, solid work out there guys!
Swiss Miss also showing a strong display. Keep it up and you will grab that bridge victory in March!
Fireman and and Turkey each took a turn at the 6, IM3 in action!

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wingman administrator

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