The Other Convergence

  • When:05/28/16
  • QIC: Fireman Ed
  • The PAX: Pele, Chin Music, Moon River, Road Runner, Goon, Eisenberg, Daisy, Big league Chew (respect), Cooter, Billboard, Pong, Winterplace, Freedom (respect), Ickey Shuffle, Dumpster Fire, Fireman Ed (Q)

The Other Convergence

16 pac choose the other convergence this Memorial Day weekend to see how much their bodies could endure. It would be a race with 6 pain stations along the way. The one who completes the most laps wins the grand prize of liquid gold.

Warm up:
A tour around the school visiting the six stations for today’s race.
SSH X 20
IW X 15
MC X 15
Slow squats X 15
Slow Merkins X 10
Plank until everyone makes it around the school.

The race begins in the parking lot on the left side of the school.

Station 1: The Merkin circle on the curve, 5 incline, 5 left arm on curve, 5 decline, 5 right arm on the curve
Station 2: 2 100 yard sprints out and back
Station 3: At the playground 10 pullups
Station 4: At the basketball courts with kettle bells 20 swings, 20 squats and 20 deadlifts
Station 5: parking lot opposite side of the school hair burners 50 feet out and 50 feet back
200 yard run down Rea Road to the entrance of school
Station 6: with dumbbells 20 curls, 20 overhead presses
After race one minute of LBCs

The winner of the race was Ickey Shuffle, to him went the Grand Prize of Liquid Gold, AKA Maple Syrup. Great job and great job by the whole pac pushing themselves. Each lap was tougher than the Q had expected. Not a whole lot of mumble chatter. Thanks for letting me Q it is always an honor. Thank you Pele for taking us out.
I hope everyone has a good Memorial Day weekend. Always remember those who served and gave their lives so we have the freedoms we do.

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Fireman Ed author

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7 years ago

Great workout, Fireman Ed! Really enjoyed my first week of F3. Working through the soreness but I look forward to more. Thanks

Dumpster Fire
Dumpster Fire
7 years ago

Good to be back out. Happy Memorial Day to all.

7 years ago

What’s a pac

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