Hairburners in the Rain

  • When:05/19/16
  • QIC: Loogie
  • The PAX: Wingman, Madame Tassaud, Flint, Adobe, Heartbreaker, Strawberry, Goonie, Loogie

Hairburners in the Rain

Yes, it was raining, but we had been challenged by Devil’s Turn. The plan was to warm up quickly, then lie in wait in the shadows for the runners to show up.  Unfortunately, they were early (tricky runners), and they caught us in the open. We had no choice but to join them on The Murderhorn.

The Thing

Quick jog past the movie theater, where we were intercepted by DT.  Turn around and jog to and down the MH.  Fast COP there. One trip back up to try to beat the course record.  Enough of that, back to Stonecrest.

Hairburner circuit around a square of cones.  Hair burn from one corner to your partner on the next corner.  Then perform the corner exercise while you wait for the plates to get back to you.  One corner was burpees, one was kettle bell swings, one Merkins.  Since we had 8, the last corner was “keep hair burning around the corner back to the first corner.”  Collect $200 as you pass Go.

People’s chair with air presses, followed by Balls To The Wall (MT request), and then a little more wall.  Adobe called presses at double-time, which apparently means quadruple time.

Then to the big hill by the Stonecrest sign. Partner up.  Each team runs the hill and completes 100 Merkins and 200 LBC’s.

Back to the starting lot with a quick partner push-pull (my favorite exercise).  Then Mary around the horn.  Time.


Hairburners in the rain are fun, but Inseriously misjudged how long they would take  had to add lib for a lot of the workout.

Thanks to some long-time vets for coming out to support me in the rain.  Glad to have newer guys Adobe and Flint, also.  I think they’ll be leading very soon.


F3 Dads starts May 28.

A new Weight Loss Challenge begins June 3 — check the weekly newsletter.

Stone wall rebuilding project for Providence Presbyterian was a success — look for more opportunities to participate.

Great take-out, Adobe.

About the author

Loogie author

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