Monthly Archive March 2016

Substi site q – q

17 Pax got after it at Death Valley.

Here is what we did

The thing

15 IW – CAD
15 Merkins – CAD
20 Mountain Climbers – CAD

Mosey to Davie Park

Partner up
One partner runs while other partner does called exercise
3 laps.
1 – Pull Ups
2 – Merkins
3 – Dips

Mosey to other area.
Every streetlight – 15 Merkins on the way down
50 LBC’s OYO
Every streetlight back – 10 ish Jump Squats

Mosey up to the top O’ Davie
Indian Run – two groups.

Get back to AO
Mary –
Heels to Heaven – 20 CAD
Freddy Merc – 20 CAD
Dollie’s – 20 CAD
Rosalita – 20 CAD
15 Merkins OYO
15 Diamond Mer – OYO
15 Wide Arm OYO
Alternating crunch – 10 CAD – Each leg


Events AKA – Moleskin

got the call yesterday afternoon/night that Swiper was on the IR so being the phenomenal site q that I am I took the reigns. Had a busy day and night so the weinke would have to be done on the way to the site #Meatandtaters. Good group out this am, Stonecold was already complaining when I told him we were running and then said something about “wrong shoes”. BRR season is here SC. Its going to be more running than normal. We started out with about 10 and then 7 showed up after the bell so the COP took longer than I wanted. In all seriousness, Glad to have everyone there.
Great group out there today and everyone was really pushing for their personal best. There are really some fast guys that are getting faster while YHC keeps slowing down. Guess I need to avoid the Libated Camel more and avoid IPA’s.
Had to call an audible on a few items and there was a pretty good amount of Mumblechatter directed and me and I probably deserved 98% of it.

DOLLYWOOD has agreed to come on board for Site Q duties and we are super pumped to have him. Stage Coach will be cycling off this month as SITE Q. He has been working this site for 3 years and it really wouldn’t be what it is today without his leadership. Its guys like him that made AREA 51 what it is today.


5 year party downtown this weekend. If you are in town please come. It is going to be a great event and an awesome time to see other F3 guys out there.

Muscle Driver is going out of business. Stonecold has bought about half the store so if there is anything left go get it.

Four Corners

SSH x 30 IC
Imperial Walkers x 20 IC
Merkin x 15 IC
SSH x 10 IC

The Thang:
Mosey to path way where we stopped and all got in a line and did a bear crawl indian run where the last guy crawled to the front of the line until the last person in the line was first. We did that 2 times through.

Mosey to the basketball courts where we did 4 corners

Round 1: (upper Body)
Corner 1 – Merkins x 15
Middle – Burpees x 10
Corner 2 – Carolina Dry Docs x 15
Middle – Burpees x 10
Corner 3 – Wide Arm Merkins x 15
Middle – Burpees x 10
Corner 4 – Makhtar N’Diayes x 15
Middle – Burpees x 10

plank when done

Mosey to the benches for:
15 dips
15 box Jumps
15 LBCs

Plank when done

Mosey back to the court for more 4 corners

Round 2 (legs):
Corner 1 – Mountain Climbers x 20
Middle – Squats x 20
Corner 2 – Lunges x 20
Middle – Squats x 20
Corner 3 – Rock Hoppers x 20
Middle – Squats x 20
Corner 4 – High Knees x 20
Middle – Squats x 20

Plank until everyone was done

Round 3 (abs):
Corner 1 – Rosalitas x 30
Middle – LBC x 20
Corner 2 – Flutter x 30
Middle – LBC x 20
Corner 3 – Dolly x 30
Middle – LBC x 20
Corner 4 – Heels to Heaven x 30
Middle – LBC x 20

Plank until everyone is done

Burpees x 10

Mosey back to parking lot

stop at the end of walking path and do one more Bear Crawl Indian Run

Mosey to parking lot and circle up for Mary


Russian Twist (American Hammer) x 25
Bicycle x 20
LBC x 12



Transporter thanks for letting me take this one, I hope you feel better real soon!

Thanks to everyone for sticking with me and letting me lead my first Q! It was a great crew to lead and I hope to be able to do it again real soon!

Money ball thanks for taking us out!

Short Circuit

I can’t feel my legs

Warm up
30 SSH
30 imperial walkers

The thang
-mosey to the dreaded weddington hill executed 10 beautiful backward runs up the hill with 3 “icing on the cake” burpees at the top
-mosey to the frozen tundra practice field for suicide runs to the 25, 50, 75, and far end zone 2x. To slow dasher down, the PAX executed 5 merkins in the end zone 10 at the 25, 15 at the 50, etc..
-100 yard Jail Break at the completion of suicides
-mosey to football field for more suicide fun. Following the same pattern, the PAX partnered up and locked horns and executed partner pushes while running the suicide.

Bleachers Runs
Run up the first 3 sections, run to the bottom side for 20 supines, run the middle 2 sections then the the bottom side for 20 supines, run the last remaining sections. On to the track for 100m backwards run. Plank for the six

Round 2 Run up the first 3 sections, run to the bottom side for 20 CDD, skip the middle section due to time, run the last remaining section. On to the track for 20 CDD then 100m backwards run. Plank for the six.

Start moseying back to the AO. Stop at the side of the school for peoples chair with jabs IC.

Jail break back to the AO for Russian Twist and LBC with legs high

Arrived just in Time

15 men arrived at #FastTwitch to make themselves a little bit better this morning. YHC is sporting a sweet rental mini-van and apparently its clock is 3 minutes slow. Rolled up only to realize it was 0514. Still had 15 seconds to spare and since we had a group of veterans, off we went

Warm up run out to 51 and headed east to Raintree Ln to the random office building parking lot area
IW x 20
Merkin x 15
Mountain Climber x 20

Mosey over to Smokerise Hill Dr for a Triple Nickel (2 miles total)
Jump Squat x 5 at bottom
Merkin x 5 at top

LBC and squats while waiting for the six. Alf and ‘Bout time were over achievers and ran one more leg.

Run down Rounding Run Rd to the loop at the end. Find a partner and run in opposite directions around the loop. Once partners meet, perform 5 hand slap merkins and continue back in same direction as started. Perform 5 hand release merkins back at the starting point. Repeat one more time in the opposite direction as the first time.

Run back SSMS and we’re done. 6.0 miles covered.

Perfect weather on this first day of March. Alf and Bout Time led the way this morning and Turkey Leg proved he is still fast even with an injured knee. Strong work by all of the PAX. There was some chatter in the beginning surrounding the dead cat during a DZ post earlier this year. This is YHC’s first Q at #FastTwitch and was a little anxious not knowing the way around Rain Tree. Did some studying on Google Earth the other night and discovered the streets of Rain Tree have some funky names. FT is becoming one of my favorite places to post. Thank your TL and Haze for the opportunity to lead.

The Three legged Starfish

17 men entered the gloom this morning for a fairly aggressive workout

Warm up:

20 X SSH
20 X IW
10 X slow count merkins
10 X MC
10 X Squats

The Thang:

Mosey over to the Church parking lot for the world famous 3 legged starfish. Why a three legged starfish Witch Dr. asked. The three legged Starfish is a legendary creature that the ancient Mayans used to affix to their backs before battle. It was said to give them great strength according to legend.
The starfish: Run to each leg of the starfish stopping in the middle to complete a set exercise

Leg 1. A lap around the Church
The middle – 20 swings, 20 curls, 10 dead lifts, 10 overhead presses, 10 goblet squats
Leg 2. Run to the buses and complete 20 merkins
The middle – 20 swings, 20 curls, 10 dead lifts, 10 overhead presses, 10 goblet squats
Leg 3. Run up the hill three times back words
The middle – 20 swings, 20 curls, 10 dead lifts, 10 overhead presses, 10 goblet squats

The idea was to keep repeating until Fletch had gone through it 5 times. Didn’t quite get there due to time stipulations but the mumble chatter died after the first round.

Mosey with bell to the lawn by the school LBCs lead by Witch Dr until everyone arrives the end


Great job out there pack although we didn’t get through it 5 times. Next time we will skip the warmup and save some time there. Brown thanks for hanging back with me on those runs. I did see flash go by me later I saw it was Dollywood great hustle. Spackler had is 100 LB KB ridiculous man, well it looked like one. Thank you Harley for the honor of letting me Q, it was my first KB workout. Drop Thrill thank you for taking us out.


Muscle Driver going out of business sale off Carowinds exit (KBs etc…)
Mudrun sign up see Fire Hazards email
March 19th Disc Golf Tourney see Drop Thrill

SOFAWIB: The Modified Kirk (Take II)

8 of the best in the Nation converged at SOFAWIB to grow closer to their most improved selves.

The Thing: The Modified Kirk.
It’s deja vu all over again, y’all.
Run the mile from Old E to HT and back. Head on over to the Buddy Bench Playground.
– 7 pull-ups
– 14 burpees
– 21 merkins
– 28 squats
– 35 flutters
– Run to the football field, AYG suicides at 50 yd and 100yds.
– Run back to the playground, resume kirking.
That’s one round.

Naked Man Moleskin: Let’s Talk Statistics and Politics
There are lies, damn lies and statistics. “We’ve seen an 800% increase in attendence!” is the kind of thing someone in marketing or politics would say. And while that sounds impressive, the number that’s its based on is just as significant.
What I’m trying to say is that I know longer feel like the cause for being solo last week.
Even if it’s pity attendance, I’ll take it and claim correlation and not causation. Which is also the kind of statistical nonsense you see on CNN or FoxNews to substantiate someone’s completely false claim. So the real takeaway here is that all politicians and pundits are bullshit artists and political consultants should be shot off the planet in a rocket aimed at the sun.
Happy Big Tuesday everyone.

Where was I? Right, the workout.
Welcome to our FNG Shingles, aka Stuart Wilson. He works for a roofing company, thus the name. He has a 3, 2, and 5 month old at home and must have been practically begging Seersucker to EH him for a workout. He didn’t throw up or get dropped on his first workout, so he’s ahead of the curve compared to some (ahem).
Rachel upholds the F3 tradition of naming our fastest after women. Kirk initially served as his north star for the route and was summarily shake-n-baked as Rachel dropped into 12th gear. He seems nice. I hate his guts.
One Eye chose a performance skully over the usual headband. I didn’t recognize him. I think it slowed him down, but it’s hard to tell as he’s lapping you for the third time.
Despite being a cyborg with superhuman speed and strength (“Sprength?”), I could actually see Iron Mike in the distance as we finished the closing HT mile. Obviously this means I’m getting super fast and am hearby renaming myself “Rundancer” (one word, damnit).
Snowflake is a great human being, and posting with him always makes me feel better. Grateful to you for coming out, brother.

5 Year F3 Party this Saturday at the Fillmore. Check the main site for more information.
Foundations of the Faith ThirdF group – Wednesdays uptown, 1900 Grill. Hit up @Simba_F3 for more info.
Church on the Street this weekend – sign up here

Thank you for making SOFAWIB your choice for hard workouts named after strast people.

Impromptu Fight gone bad at Cuthbertson

9 PAX Joined me for a last minute workout at Cuthbertson Middle this morning:
It went like this:
SSH IC x 40
Imperial Walker IC x 30
Merkins IC x 30 (We were gonna do 20 but Ice requested an extra 10)
Mountain Climber IC x 30
Plank Jacks IC x 30
Mosey and ran a loop around the media at the front of the school.
Gathered at the hill to the end of the parking lot and did Stairway to Seven, starting with 1 Jump squat at the bottom and 1 Merkin at the top of the hill working all the way up to Seven.
Did some triceps dips while waiting for the group to finish, did some plank work as well.
Mosey closer to the school for some gear workout using a Fight gone bad style, I decided to make a scaled/modified/gearless version for every exercise for the PAX that don’t feel comfortable yet with the weights.
We had five stations, they were:
1. Wall balls, scaled move Deep Squat.
2. Burpees with 50# sound bag to overhead, scaled move regular burpees.
3. LBC.
4. KB Swing weights available 30, 35 and 53 pounds, Scaled move 25# Plate swing.
5. OH KB 35 pounds alternating Lunges. Scaled move regular lunges.

On each station we went all out for 1 minute, at the minute mark switched to the next station with no break in between until completing all 5 stations, then 1 minute recovery for all except Ice who was doing LBCs, Bicycle and other moves, then started over, we did this circuit 4 times.

I think everyone got a good workout, maybe even Ice, who never ceases to impress me, as Im trying to keep up with him, or catch up to him at times and I am feeling great and proud about myself that I am almost able to match his speed and strength he tells me “I think I may be fighting a little pneumonia right now” #MoralKiller

I feel everyone got a good workout regardless if doing the full gear or modified workouts, and we talked about repeating this type of workout this coming Thursday as long as the weather holds up.

Hope to see you all back in the gloom tomorrow at Dromedary.