Starfish sometimes have negative effects on ecosystems

  • When:02/09/2016
  • QIC: Hair Band
  • The PAX: Nomad (Respect), Lamont (Respect), Hoodie, Short Circuit, Hair Band (QIC)

Starfish sometimes have negative effects on ecosystems

That was a statement I read on wikipedia and that tv commercial says you can’t put anything on the internet that isn’t true so I wanted to test the theory…

I pulled into the Thrive AO a few minutes later than planned (about 5:25) to find an empty parking lot. I seriously began to question whether it was really Tuesday or if this was a dream. Then I started to think about if I will do the “Lone Joe” workout like Glass Joe did in the ice a few weeks ago at Overdrive. (May need to submit that to the Lexicon)

A few minutes later headlights and squealing tires started to make their entrance to the AO.

5:30 and off we go with a #HairbandMile to warm up and pick up the last straggler, Short Circuit.

SSH x 10
Imperial Walkers x 15
Low Slow Squat x 15
Windmill x 15
LB Arm circles (civilian count) x 25 forward & 25 backward
Manmaker Merkins x 10

The Thang

Explained the Starfish:
4 islands in the parking lot with a cone (or in this case a Happy Graduation megaphone which worked all the same) in the middle. Complete exercise at an island, run to the middle for an exercise, run to next island for exercise run back to the middle etc.

So it went like this
Round 1: (upper body suckage)
Island 1 x 10 Merkins
Burpees x 5 in the middle
Island 2 x 10 Nipple Scrapers
Burpees x 5 in the middle
Island 3 x 10 Carolina Dry Docs
Burpees x 5 in the middle
Island 4 x 10 Wide Arm Merkins
Burpees x 5 in the middle

Plank until all are done

Round 2: (lower body)
Island 1 x 20 Lunges
Jump Squats x 20 in the middle (audibled to 10 going forward)
Island 2 x 20 Mountain Climbers
Jump Squats x 10 in the middle
Island 3 x 20 Monkey Humpers (it was dark & no women or children around)
Jump Squats x 10 in the middle
Island 4 x 20 Squats
Jump Squats x 10 in the middle


Round 3: (Core)
Island 1 x 30 Rosalitas
LBCs x 30 in the middle (audibled to 20 going forward for time)
Island 2 x 30 Flutter
LBCs x 20 in the middle
Island 3 x 30 Rock Hoppers
LBCs x 20 in the middle
Island 4 x 30 Freddie Mercury
LBCs x 20 in the middle
Repeato but knock it down to 20 reps for time.


Look who showed up! My friend Jack Webb!
1 merkin to 4 air presses up to 10 merkins:40 airpresses 8 merkins: 32 air presses due to time


Thanks for taking us out Short Circuit


My goal today was to push everyone hard while still accommodating my knee… Based on comments and heavy breathing I think it was a success! I was disappointed some regulars were out today, but that’s ok, I can recycle this plan in the future. It was the first time most have done the starfish and Jack Webb so it was a good reminder that Union has grown so much we need to mix in some old routines once in a while because they are not old to many.

To answer the original question I think the internet was true in this case, the Starfish was a negative to the environment, if time wasn’t up I got the feeling there would be some refuseniks on reps 9 & 10 of Jack Webb. Everyone worked hard though and we will be better for it! #AlwaysPushedAlwaysPushing

Thanks for the opportunity to lead, it’s always an honor!
Hair Band

About the author

Hair Band useradmin

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