All-Pro Bowling

  • When:1/16/2016
  • QIC: PopTart
  • The PAX: Squid, Lobsta Roll, Joker, Slapshot, Uncle Leo, Beaver (R), Ocho Cinco, Abacus, Cold Cuts, PopTart (Q)

All-Pro Bowling

In honor of the All-Pro Panthers, we set off to honer their selection.  Mosey around the school, disclaimer stated, and off we went.


20 SSH, 20 IW, 15 Merkin, 20 LSS

The Ryan.Kalil: #67

Line up, and suicide type run.  Run to first bus parking stop, 5 merkins, back to the line.  Run to the last bus parking spot, 5 merkins, back to the line.  Run to the second parking spot, 5 merkins, and back, then to the second to last parking spot, 5 merkins, and back.  Keeping going until you hit all 13 parking spots, then 2 extra merkins when done for 67 total.

The Cam Newton, #1

1 burpee

The Mike Tolbert: #35

Mosey to the first townhomes.  Run down the main street, then down each side street for 5 merkins. Once you have run all 6 side streets, run back to the entrance for 5 more merkins.  Total of 35.

The Greg Olsen, #88

Mosey down to the next townhomes, then down to the bottom of the entrance.  Run around the oval lap, performing 22 merkins at each corner.  88 total.

The Thomas Davis, #58

Mosey over to the traffic circle.  Run to the end of each road, 13 monkey humpers, then back to the circle.  Once done with all roads, 6 more monkey humpers.  58 total

The Luke Keuchly, #59

Run to the end of each road, 13 merkins, then back to the circle.  Once done with all roads, 7 more merkins.  59 total

The Kawann Short, #99

Mosey towards the entrance to the fountain for the next set.  33 dips, then down the road around the traffic circle.  Repeato 3x for 99 total.

The Josh Norman, #24

8 derkins at the fountain, then down the road around the traffic circle.  Repeato 3x for 24 total.

Indian run back to the AO for COM.


25 LBCs.

10 x Right leg cross crunch

10 x Left leg cross crunch

20 x Dolly

10 x Right leg can opener

10 x Left leg can opener

7 x Rocky Balboa Protractor

10 x Opposite toe taps

20 x Rosalitas

20 x Flutters


Joker pulled a floor slapper and showed up late, wearing his below 20 degree gear.  Apparently he didn’t know that there is a weather app and forgot to check it thisy morning.  Luckily he didn’t overheat and pass out.  Slapshot was thankful for the extra chest workout so he can impress the ladies at the YMCA pool this summer.  Beaver impressed with his determination to the mileage and Uncle Leo was very concerned about the strange numbers that were called out for each exercise.  He kept guessing what the numbers meant, until he was told whoever guessed the theme behind the numbers had to do a burpee.  That silenced him quickly.  I wasn’t sure how many miles we would get, but we got in 4.07 total, possible a new record for the site.

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Poptart author

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8 years ago

Great workout Poptart. Great to get off campus a bit. And love the running.

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