What the H$(% happened?

  • When:11/20/2015
  • QIC: Chelms
  • The PAX: Chelms (Q, E, R), Triple 7, (R,E), Scabby (E), Margo (E), Snowflake (R, E), Abacus (E), Checkpoint, Runstopper, Hops, Mermaid, Utah, Goonie, Gerber, Swiper, Co-pay (FNG), Cane, Pulp Fiction, Paper Jam, Smash, Semi Gloss, Lorax, Dear Abby E = Early run at 5:15

What the H$(% happened?

22 hard core Pax, who either ignored the pre-blast or were up for the challenge, gathered at CCHS to see what the parking deck could dish out this am.  The smack talk started early and never let up.

The Thang:

See the pre-blast.  Warning- Reading may cause you to post at the Brave  I forgot the bear crawl up to level 4 but that was probably a good thing.   We added one set of sprints on the soggy field and 5 burpees at each speed bump on the way home plus a few minutes of Mary at the end.

Naked Moleskin:

Scabby started the griping early when I mentioned wheel barrows as part of the circuit (something about wrists getting over-used before he got married) and tried to cajole RS into Qjacking.  However, YHC would have none of that even though RS did give it a try right before we started the circuit. Swiper, who is not much older than my son, joined in early with the smack talk with excessive criticism of the Q’s disclaimer and choice of “Explosive Merkins” in the early COP.   This is a Mermaid referral from some obscure web site but I digress.

Glad to see Checkpoint back as I was starting to worry he was slowing down.  That concern was quickly dispelled when we started the deck work as he showed wisdom in picking Swiper as a partner and getting out in front.  Their team did get disqualified for not doing a ladder on the wall jumps (#colarules) and thus Mermaid and Cane (I think) took home the VT today.

I apologize to Mermaid’s M for taking the PAX down to the practice field and getting everyone’s shoes a little muddy but this is F3 – we find the nastiest/hardest places to slog thru whenever we can.

Welcome to Pre-pay,  who works at Cigna. Fellow Chapel Hill alum so he didn’t have to worry about some sorry as name like DOOK or Coach K.

As always it was an honor and a privilege to lead this group.


Christmas Party announcement on the web site.   Please sign up so we can get a count.

Joe Davis Memorial Run in early January.  This will be a great morning with a large contingent from F3 and the race will be a good barometer of how your doing.

Please consider all three F’s and not just the Fitness part.  Let’s get out in the community and do something good.

About the author

Chelms aka Tatertot author

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9 years ago

Good deck work. Enjoyed it. Cane and I ran that set with Swiper and Checkpoint. We did not ascend jump overs either. Strong crew at Centurion as usual.

9 years ago

Another thing to add…. As Scabby was griping about wheel barrows, Chelms said he can audible and do partner carries instead. Scabby said those were even worse because they hurt the knees. While we’re at it, let’s ban Burpees and Merkins too because they hurt.

9 years ago

“Scabby started the griping early when I mentioned wheel barrows as part of the circuit (something about wrists getting over-used before he got married)”

– Scabby’s wrists are over-used from boxing. Which is to say punching people too hard. I originally thought F3 was a fight club btw…Dudes in black shirts showing up in parking lots at 5:30. Sounds like a fight club.

As for partner carries, my knees are just a bit sore from running 3 marathons in 5 weeks. I still managed to run-in from home, post for the early run, then drag Dear Abby up the deck on my back. Charlotte Agenda breaking news: EIC Dear Abby defies well-established laws of physics, actually gets heavier the longer you workout. Also, I didn’t see any Centurions at Richie Run on Sunday. No partner carries there. Just running 12 miles at sub-8min pace. #fartsack.

And it’s true, I don’t like burpees. But I don’t have a passable excuse there.

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