(Posted on behalf of O’Tannenbaum)
8 men showed up at McKee Rd Elementary for the start of the weekly beatdown at Area 51 and a 9th joined us during the COP. Shovel flag was planted in the turf and O’Tannenbaum led the group for a slow mosey through the lower parking lot near the soccer fields and over to the lower field. OT took a deliberate pace in order to allow any late stragglers to find us, but none showed us. After circling up for COP in the lower field and completing the first couple exercises, Beaver joined the group after utilizing his bloodhound talents to track us down.
- SSH x 25 IC
- 5 Burpees
- IW x 25 IC
- 4 Burpees
- Seal Jacks x 15 IC (Had to start, stop, & then restart this one as OT found his rhythm
- 3 Burpees
- Squats x 20 IC
- 2 Burpees
- Parker Peter x 20 IC
- 1 Burpee
Now that we have properly warmed up, time to make our way to the infield of the track at the front of the school. Partner up in the middle of the infield and each partner runs to opposite ends of the infield. Run back to middle of the infield for 10 Hand Slap Merkins. Rinse & repeat x 4.
Head to fence around the small playground behind the school. Complete bug/plank walk the length of the fence and then complete 20 Decline Merkins w/ feet on fence. Rinse & repeat x 2.
Time to work on the arms and legs, so we made our way back over to the soccer field and everyone claimed a cinder block. Carry blocks to the other end of soccer field for some circuit work. Complete the following:
- Military Press x 10 IC
- Triceps Ext x 10 OYO
- Goblet Squats x 10 IC
- Curls x 10 OYO
- Drop the block and run length of soccer field & back
- Repeat exercises
- Run to midfield with your block. Drop the block and complete rock hoppers x 5 IC on the blocks. Run to other end & back to midfield. Pick up block and back to starting point.
- Repeat exercises
- Run length of soccer field with block and return it to its home
Mosey to the back of the school to the historic NC playground, stopping at the top of the lower lot for backwards bear crawl up the hill to the school grounds. Find a stump and complete 3 rounds of the following:
- Jump ups/Step Ups x 20
- Dips x 20
Move over to the disc golf course and line up at the disc golf hole for some 7’s:
- Start w/ 0 squats, run to other disc golf hole/cage and complete 7 Burpees
- Back to start for 1 squat and then 6 Burpees at the other end & continue for 2/5, 3/4, etc.)
Back to launch point for 6 MOM:
- LBCs x 20 IC
- Pull-ups x 10
- Freddie Mercury x 20 IC
- Toes to Bar x 10
- Covered most of the AO this week as OT had us traverse the school grounds a couple times as we moved from station to station
- COP was held at the lowest spot on the grounds. With all the rain we have had the past week or so, ground was pretty soupy and PAX found themselves with some cold hands and wet feet.
- Probably had no candidates for the Rockettes on hand during Seal Jacks. Stopped midway through in order get the form working properly.
- Lots of chatter/grumbling during the bug walk along the fence as OT had us lay on our backs and shimmy across the ground with no use of arms or legs. Made for a challenge, but all seemed to power through it.
- OT questioned about his call for 7s with the Burpees/Squats. Standard protocol is to start with 6/1 combination and continue through to 1/6. PAX questioned whether we were completing 8s when OT called for 7 Burpees to start, only to be informed that 0 Squats were to be completed at start and, therefore, technically we were doing 7s.
- Sign-up for F3 Area 51 X-mas party are due by 12/4. X-mas to be held at Sardis Swim & Racquet Club on 12/12
- Joe Davis Run to be held 1/9/16 in Fort Mill. Sign-up for 5k/10K can be found here: http://joedavisrun.racesonline.com/register
- F3 5 Year Anniversary work-out to be held 03/05/2016. Anniversary Celebration to be held that night at The Fillmore. See Weekly E-mail for more information.
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