Stonehenge kicks abs – the workout that keeps on giving

  • When:11/22/15
  • QIC: Haggis
  • The PAX: Fire Hazard, Big Tuna, Paper Jam, Fireman Ed, Mr. Bean, Icicle, Soft Pretzel, Early Bird, Honey Bee, Outback, Commish, Loogie, Frasier, Kerbie, Madame Tussaud, Mic Check, Brisket, Morning After, JR Tolkien, Haggis

Stonehenge kicks abs – the workout that keeps on giving

20 men got their abs handed to them at Stonehenge.  The backblast is late, but this was the workout that keeps on giving.  It ain’t over yet.  Anyone not in severe pain today… wasn’t doing it right.

The boys set it up as a form workout.  We did a little of that, and also got introduced to a new method of planking which hurts like heck.

The Thang:

Quick warm up with a little of this and a little of that.  Lesson one was how to do a proper elbow plank:

Lie face down flat on the ground, put your elbows on the ground in front of you, and lift up your mid section on your knees (“ON YOUR KNEES, FIREMAN ED!”).  Tuck your arse in, then lift up your knees.  Hang out for a while.

After the warm up we moseyed over to a parking lot for a few merkins and a bit of running.  Incorrect form was aptly demonstrated as we ran through the sneaky cheat merkin, the saggy arse merkin, the metro merkin, and of course the go-ruck merkin.  After that we stopped wasting time and did some proper merkins with a partner to hold us accountable.  In between we did a lot of (proper) elbow planking.

Then we ran along to Loch Ness for timed mile.  3.3 laps is all it took – Frasier destroyed the field.  The rest of us struggled along behind.  When we finished we did some elbow planking for good measure.

After this the lads were begging for more merkins, so yhc obliged with the Mighty Mite merkin ladder across the parking deck.  It sucked.

Next to last we set off for the pull up bars and all pax did two pull ups, one at a time.  Feedback was requested and vocally given.  The rest of us planked while this went on.

To finish we stopped at a parking lot for some 6-count burpees then did a jail break back to the parking lot.


It was a strong performance by all today, with many notable instances.

Honey Bee was very good at demonstrating both the arse-up and arse-down merkin, but then he knocked out two pull-ups that were absolutely perfect. Plus, he kept up with Frasier on the mile (almost).

Mr Bean had cold nipples which prevented him from doing some of the elbow planks.

Fireman Ed got a bit worked up and started yelling during the Mighty Mite merkin ladder.

Mike Check showed us all how to do perfect merkins.  Every one was spot-on.

Great to meet Icicle and Early Bird.  Thanks for coming to Stonehenge.

The elbow planks hurt a lot.  My abs have been agony all day.  How was it for you?


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Haggis author

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8 years ago

Great job. Sounds like a good one

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