Base Twitch

  • When:11/16/15
  • QIC: Geraldo
  • The PAX: Tawny, Big Tuna, 777 (R), Booyah, Insomniac, Pele, Bogo, Gerber, Goonie, Thunder Road, The Swede, Daisy, Smash, Torpedo, Fireman Ed, Marge, Hard Hat, Geraldo

Base Twitch

18 Pax averted their #FartSacks in order to #GetBetter, and here’s how it went down.

The Thang:


  • SSH x 20
  • Merkins x 10
  • Squats x 20
  • Diamond Merkins x 10
  • Windmills x 20
  • Wide Arm Merkins x 10
  • Burpees x 5 OYO

No, it’s not Fast Twitch

Mosey out of the sweet confines of SCMS and venture into the darkness of Rain Tree that is usually reserved for Tuesday residents of the AO, Fast Twitch, down Woodfox, hang a left and stop at Rising Meadow. Partner up for the following:

Partner 1 runs to the first street light, returns, then runs to the second street light and back, while Partner 2 performs called exercise AMRAP, then flapjack.

  • Round 1- Merkins
  • Round 2- LBC’s
  • Round 3- Wide Arm Merkins

Mosey over to Woodfox and head back to SCMS

People’s Chair

Head over to the school and grab some wall for 2 rounds of the People’s Chair (aka “The Semi-Gloss”) with arm raises x 50, as per Insomniac’s request.

Jack Webb

Always time for a visit from Runstopper’s pal Mr. Webb, up to 5.


  • Flutters x 15
  • Rosalita x 15
  • LBC’s x 15
  • Dolly’s x 10


  • Great work by the PAX, some #LarryBirds getting after it going up Rising Meadow, noticeably Big Tuna, and Fireman Ed. Big Tuna may need to make an appearance at Fast Twitch soon.
  • YHC wanted to get off the SCMS campus for a change and thought the Rising Meadow suicides, a Fast Twitch staple, might do the trick. Thanks to the PAX for indulging me.
  • Fireman Ed called for taking slow with Jack Webb, good suggestion, the PAX will thank you for it.
  • The Basecamp PAX may need to venture off campus more often as many started off running on the right side of the road, #StayOnTheLeft.
  • Thanks to Big Tuna for taking us out.
  • Thanks to Fireman Ed and Simba for the opportunity to lead and please sound off with any #MumbleChatter.


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Geraldo author

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