Give it away now

  • When:11/7/2015
  • QIC: Glass Joe
  • The PAX: Flash Card, One Man Band, Tie Strap, Viper, Glass Joe (QIC)

Give it away now

This was my 6th week at Anson and time to give it away to the men of Anson to do with it as they wish. A few last things to show and then a quick Q school to make sure they got cadence down was the plan for the day. And off we go.

The Thang

Hairband Mile around the parking lot


SSH IC x 25
IW IC x 20
Mountain Climbers IC x 10 (stopped because I had no footing on the oil slick asphalt)
LBCs IC x 20

Mosey down to the track.

Lunge walk down a quarter of the track

Somehow we missed showing ‘Catch me if you can’ so here we go
Round 1:
P1 takes off and P2 does 10 merkins. P2 then runs to catch P1. Flapjack until a full lap is completed.
Round 2: Repeato w/ 5 merkins

Mosey to the football building

PAX looked smoked so The People’s Chair for a minute and then Air Presses x 30 for some active recovery

Mosey to the practice field.
Series of back of forth across the field:
Partner wheel barrow across the field. Flapjack as needed./ Run back
High knees across/ ButtKickers back.
Karaoke Left across/Karaoke Right back
Bear Crawl across/AYG run back

Grab a running size rock from the ditch nearby.
Back to the field going long way this time for about 70-80 yards
Devin Hester’s. Flapjack back.
Return the rocks and mosey to the end of the field

Series of plank exercises while I give a quick speech/story of why F3 matters to me and why I hope they continue it.

Q school explaining why each of the cadence pieces matter then it’s the PAX’s turn:
Viper: SSH IC x 10
OMB: Merkins IC x 13 (I think that’s the right count – definitely merkins)
Flash Card: IW IC x 20
Tie Strap: LBCs IC x 10

Mosey back to the parking lot.

3 MOM:
Flutter IC x 20
Dolly IC x 20


Thanks to Flash Card I believe for taking us out.
Flash Card also took the Shovel Flag promising to return next week with it and other PAX said they would be back as well and keep it running.
After a quick discussion, Flash Card/OMB/Viper splitting the Q next week with each doing 20 minutes for their Virgin Qs. Some chatter about a name as well.

Here is what I love about the #getbetter. When you see it, you know it. During the Devin Hesters, I was tagging along with Flash Card and OMB due to an odd number. Flash Card takes off and then we start chasing after him. I’m starting to close in and I holler at him that he better not let me catch him. I literally see another gear kick in and I didn’t catch him. That’s it right there. That’s the push that you will never get solo. Great job brother!
OMB went right to those merkins during Q school. I have a feeling that their arms will be smoked next week for his 20 minutes.
Viper continued to push and encourage all the guys forward. Great job EH’ing Tie Strap as well. No better HC than picking him up on the way.
Tie Strap came out for the first time and you can definitely tell there is a runner in there which he later said he’s been doing 3-4 miles a day running/walking combo. He took off on the track so much that Viper mentioned there is that whole catch me part of Catch me if you can. I think Tie Strap took the ‘If you can’ literally which is great. That is how we get faster by chasing faster men.
I could tell the cardio got to some today as Viper calls OMB ‘OMG’ afterwards and Flash Card goes ‘OMG was about 10 minutes ago.’ Well done sir!
Some conversation on the administration going forward. Look for a Google Calendar possibly from Flash Card.
Thank you guys for letting me give this away. I will be coming back on a first Saturday of the month for a while to guest Q to help spread out the Q load some. It is now yours. Do with it as you please but my hope is that you continue to stay faithful to meeting and grow guy by guy as they see the evident impact F3 has had in your lives.

For the three VQs next week, watch this video from Dredd/OBT about how to cadence and practice before next week.

Glass Joe

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Glass Joe author

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