Full Body Beatdown

  • When:11/5/15
  • QIC: Queen
  • The PAX: Marge, Daisy, Good Hands, Chico, Puddin' Pop, One Eye, Semi-Gloss, Backdraft

Full Body Beatdown

Posted on behalf of Queen…


9 fine gentlemen posted on a dark damp morning. I heard Semi-gloss mutter someting about not wanting to run a lot, so I sub’d in a bunch of Merkins instead. Any complaints on the number of Merkins can be directed his way 😉
Here is what we did:


Warm up:



Head to the football field for a couple of sets of Karaoke, then sets of Merkins Ladder (20,19,18, etc with 50 yard runs in between). Good Hands, without the benefit of a calculator, let us know the Merkin count with that is 210.

Two sets of step ups x 20/dips x 15

Partner up for air squats/pullups while the other partner runs around the school (no cutting through the grass today, too damp and that’s just not how One-Eye rolls)

Plank up

Two sets of walking lunges +/- 50 yards each way


To the church across the street, partner back up. Partner 1: lift, Partner 2: run to the Salvation Army Donation Center and back. Lifts were press, squat, and bi curl.


Good work gentlemen. Lots of effort and very little complaining. Thanks to Puddin Pop and Good Hands for giving me an opportunity to Q.

Semi-Gloss, thanks for taking us out.



Turkey Bowl, get on a team if other people like you.

Veterans Day convergence this coming Wednesday…DV and Maul converge at Anvil.


About the author

Puddin Pop author

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9 years ago

Good work Queen. Did not seem like a VQ at all.

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