A solid 8 took on the AMRAP of the “F3 Grinder”. As usual we warmed up in the parking lot waiting for Snoozebutton to make his 5 minute LIFO showing.
warmup with 50 x side straddle hops and 25 x low squats
run to bottom of hill near greenway for “F3 Grinder”
4 rounds
20 burpees, 20 squats, 20 lbc’s, 20 merkins, and .25 mile hill sprint
.5 mile jog thru greenway
Indian Run back to AO.
The MOLESKIN: not too much mumble chatter as this grinder keeps the heart rate at about 80% or better. #smokefest. Solid strong group. YHC apologizes again for taking us over the time; where is my stinking watch?
Group stayed together for the most part and everyone got all of the reps in. Proud of the pax on this hard workout. Welcome back Wojo of the IR.
Peace on your week. Sorry for the delay.
I am still sore from this one,
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