Deja Vu

  • When:10/31/15
  • QIC: Lobsta Roll
  • The PAX: Beaver (R), Abacus, Joker, Ocho Cinco, Huggie Bear, Twister (R, Kotters), Pop Tart, Squid, Floor Slapper

Deja Vu

(Posted on behalf of Lobsta Roll)

Happy Halloween and another Lobsta Roll Q.  That makes 3 for the week.  Q is sure by now some are getting tired of Lobsta but who ever really gets tired of Lobsta. . .

We started our journey by going off-campus along the mile-ish route that takes us up McKee to the firehouse and back around through Cold Cuts (MIA) hood.  Along the way we stopped a couple times for moving COP with SSH x 50IC, IW x 50 IC & Merkins x 25 IC.

Next up some block work on the soccer field.  Exercises were Goblet Squats, Shoulder Press, Block Curls, and Tricep Extensions:

  • Round 1 – Each exercise x 20IC.  10 Merkins on the block after each exercise.  Swift jog from one end of the field to the other and back.
  • Round 2 – Each exercise x 15IC.  10 Merkins on the block after each exercise.  100 LBC.
  • Round 3 – Each exercise x 10IC.  5 Merkins on the block after each exercise.  Repeat the jog down and back.
  • Round 4 – Each exercise x 5 IC.  10 Merkins on the block after each exercise.  100 Dolly.

Return the blocks and off to the playground by the launch point. . .Partner up

  • Team total of 50 Pull-ups and 50 Toes to Bar
  • 2 min Wall Sit
  • Team total of 25 Pull-ups and 25 Toes to Bar
  • 2 min Wall Sit

Circle up for 2 mins of Superman and Banana (aka reverse superman), alternating every 30 secs from superman to banana



  • After powering through 475 Merkins at Jevlar on Friday with Lobsta on Q, Pop Tart & Squid were ecstatic that Lobsta had us complete only 80-100.
  • Joker was particularly airy during the workout.  Not sure what was on the menu at the Heath household on Friday evening, but any PAX nearby could probably tell you.
  • Good to have Twister back out with us.  Spent the summer and fall training for and participating in Triathlons.


  • Joe Davis Memorial Run scheduled for 01/09/2016 at Walter Elisha Park in Fort Mill.  Sign up to support F3 Brother Rock Thrill and his family as they raise money for the Keystone Substance Abuse Services non-profit organization in Rock Hill in memory of RT’s brother Joe.  Information can be found here:
  • F3 X-mas Party to be held 12/12/15 at Sardis Swim & Racquet Club.  More details to come.


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Abacus author

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