Trick Or Treat, Smell My……… Fieldhouse Bathroom??

  • When:10/31/31
  • QIC: Double E
  • The PAX: CounterTop, Shepard, The Late Show, Pin Stripes, Happy, Mayday, LeMont, Dirty Bird, The Count, Squidward (2.0), Smoky, Goofy Foot (2.0), Schnitzel, Double E (QIC)

Trick Or Treat, Smell My……… Fieldhouse Bathroom??

14 PAX decided the best way to celebrate Halloween was to start with a beatdown #F3Outland style! Knowing the temptation of delicious candy was in the evening forecast, YHC decided to plan a smokefest to help balance what would ultimately end up in a sugar coma!  With fair warning abundantly tweeted Friday night, I knew the PAX would be ready to rock and roll Saturday morning!
Here’s how it went!


0600 – #Sadclown 5-miler Stars Abound Pre-Run – More on this later…


HairBand 15K – including Hill & sidewalk around Spirit Rock Down to Buses
Weave the Cheese
Circle Up at end of bus Line for

Disclaimer Given
SSH x 25 IC
IW x 15 IC
10 x Burpees for Shepard .. Late / Gloves… something
MC x 15 IC .. stay down in plank for
4 Count Slow Merkins x 15 IC

2 Line Indian Run to First Elementary School
Lunge Walk to First Light Pole (When finished sweep back around to the six continue on)
Run Medley to playground including Backwards run/Butt Kickers/Karaoke R/L

At Playground
3 Sets of 5 x Pull-ups, 10 x Merkins
Run Lap around Track
Plank-O-Rama until PAX complete

Mosey to Gate where EE has PAX count off into 2 teams.
Then proceeds to pull out the SEP’s (Super Epoxy Plates – 2 x 45#’s)
One member from each team takes turn on Hairburners while the remaining team members rotate through called exercises. Rotate between:
7 x Burpees
15 x Flutter/Dollies
20 x LBC
Continue down the Road to Nowhere until we get to the Baseball Field (~ 0.4 mile)

Mosey to Fieldhouse building for
PC w/ AP x 50
Speed Squats x 10
PC w/ AP x 40
Speed Squats x 10

Mosey to Stadium Track Football Field for 100 Yards of Kamikaze Suicides Leg Burnout
Start at Goal Line w/ 15 LBC
Sprint to each 10 Yard Line and perform exercise & backwards sprint back to Goal Line
Exercises correspond to first number of the Yard line:
10 Yd Line – 1 x Burpee, 1 x BombJack, 1 x LSS
Backwards sprint back to Goal Line w/ 15 LBCs
20 Yd Lin – 2 x Burpees, 2 x BombJacks, 2 x LSS
Backwards sprint back to Goal Line w/ 15 LBCs
Continue to 555 @ 50 Yard Line then start counting back down 444 @ 60, 333 @ 70 etc.
When you reach opposite Goal Line 5x5x5 and 100 yd backward sprint to home goal line

Random PAX call Mary while everyone finishes
Freddy Mercury’s

Not much time to spare so let’s cram a Glory Lap in for good measure!
Full lap around track including up and down all Stadium bleachers Isle steps on both sides of the field!

Mosey back to Parking Lot for COT – 0805 Late #SorryFellas



  • The Counts dad is doing much better this week
  • Thrive meets Tuesday Morning @ Chestnut Square Park in Indian Trail – Go check it out!!

Thank You Late Show for the strong take out!


Great work today by all. This workout ended up being a Pre-Candy Smokefest but the PAX took EE’s Tricks and Treated themselves with some fantastic work.  CT said we covered 3+ miles during the workout #sorryDT so everyone got a treat of a little extra distance to go along with much station pain!
0600 – I show up for the Pre-Run knowing I could be going solo since many of the regular runners were out for various reasons.  When who pulls up?  The Late Show (name change?).  Thrilled at the thought of not having to go #sadclown, I ask him are you here for the Pre-Run, to which I get a reply, “No, I have some things to do” ????  WHAT?  What do you possibly have to do at 0600 at Sun Valley Middle? So YHC heads out into the darkness while TLS does wherever he did.. at 0600…at Sun Valley Middle?!?!?!?! Maybe he was just too excited to sleep.  Tclaps to Happy for the Double Shovel Flag this morning! Smoky turned it on and up this morning leading most of the exercises #strong. Sets of Hairburners only enhance a beautiful Sunrise over the fields of #F3Outland! The High School Stadium now has a Ft. Knox fence around it and up and over was questionable at best. But this is F3 so we do what it takes!  Even the foul smells from the field house bathroom only caused us to work harder and faster!
Great work today, Happy Halloween, don’t eat too much candy, and I hope your legs are thanking you like mine are for me!

Always Enjoy Suffering and Growing with the Great Men of Outland!

Double E

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