Modulation is easier when I practice in my head!

  • When:10/17/15
  • QIC: Spielberg / Late Show
  • The PAX: Spielberg (QIC), The Late Show (QIC), Shepherd, Hairband, Squid (2.0), The Count, Belly Flop (2.0), Countertop, Drop Thrill, Schnitzel, Smokey, Goofy Foot (2.0), Sweatshop

Modulation is easier when I practice in my head!

Thankful that 12 PAX showed up to push me through another Co-Que extravaganza with the Late Show!


Hairband Mile
SSH x 20
Imperial Walkers x 20
Fast Squats 20 (The low down was that the QIC earned a few fouls in his modulation for slow squats.) x ??
Merkins x 18
Mosey to Cement Patio
Quick circuit
20 Incline Merkins
20 Step-ups
20 Dips
Run through Brick Lane
Rinse & Repeat
Mosey to SV Practice Field
Countertop has us plank while waiting for Clydale and Dusty Knees.
Hail Merkin Football [Everyone starts running on field and person with the football throws a pass over 10 yards. Once receiver catches, he stops and now has to throw a pass. 10 merkins are rewarded for every dropped pass.] 2x from end zone to end zone. PAX dropped first past each round. Good times.
Ronda Rousey (Abs Workout) – I saw this workout on RR’s Instagram feed. Break PAX up into groups of 3 or 4. Get in Plank position head to head. PAX is to attempt to slap other PAX hands in group while maintaining Plank position for 1 minute. Rinse and Repeat.
Over to the Late Show
Line up for some mid workout re-flex work.

10 or so yards at a time…
Karaokes right/left
Walking modified imperial walkers
Walking quad stretch
Toy soldiers (Countertop was assigned more for homework… “Owwww”)
Power work
On your own for (5) jump squats and (5) plyometric push-ups.  Move the dip bars to center of field and partner up.
Squats / Rows
P1 runs towards the 40/50 yards to end of field and back while P2 does called work.
First exercise – squats, flapjack.
Second exercise – supine rows, flapjack.
Lunge work
Then “Catch me if you can” walking lunge work using the awkward curtsy lunge or less awkward lateral lunge. P1 runs while P2 lunges away in opposite direction.
Rinse and repeat Squats/rows/lunge using backwards walking lunge.
Combination work and The Awkwardness
Grab a pet rock – manly size – and line up.
P1 runs while P2 does rock squats to overhead press. Flapjack.
Next exercise – the always awkward hip bridge. On your six, rock placed at your hips, lift your glutes up leaving only your shoulders and feet touching the ground. (Increase the difficulty by raising one leg into the air). Flapjack.
Rinse and repeat the awkwardness and combination work.
Mosey to put away the dip bars and back to flag. Take it out with a Countertop favorite: Tony Hawks (3) each leg.
So grateful for the opportunity to learn cadence and having a gracious and forgiving PAX. I am reminded how important it is to add more stretching exercises or re-flex work during the thang. Spielberg signing off.

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9 years ago

You two mouth breathers owe me 100 burpees for posting a week late backblast.

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