
  • When:10/10/15
  • QIC: Soft Pretzel
  • The PAX: Hard Hat, Fireman Ed, Wingman, Teddy, Heartbreaker, Fire Hazaard, Gumbo, Tuck, Horsehead, Commish, Swiss Miss, Haggis, Soft Pretzel.


Apologies for the tardy backblast for Stonehenge 10/10.  YHC was honored to make the trip down to Columbia immediately afterward and the rest of the weekend slipped away pretty quickly.  Without further ado…

The Thang: short mosey to the WF parking lot for warm-up – 10 merkins, 20 MC, 5 merkins, 10 squats (all IC).

Run past Lochness to back parking lot w/ 3 bear crawls along the way. Circle up for 10 burpees (6 count IC), then hard lap around the building.  Flutter IC until the 6 arrive.

Triple Nickel: Hill sprints, 20 merkins, ~35 yd run up hill and back.  LBCs until 6 arrive.

Cross the highway with a stop for peoples’ chair, 50 air presses.  Keep going toward soccer field with a stop for 10 Groiners.  At soccer field, partner up.  P1 runs cross field and back while P2 does called exercise.  Sets were: wide-arm merkins, squats, dollies, diamond merkins, backward lunges, LBCs.

AYG to the top of the parking deck.  This was probably the low point of the morning for YHC!  At the top, grab some low wall for 20 muscle ups. 1 lap around the top.

Mosey back to the Vine with stops for merkins to stay together.

Moleskin: Great effort by the PAX as usual.  Plenty of running but no complaining.  Announcements focused on the trip down to Columbia.  Thanks to Haggis and Alf for their leadership on that one!!

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