Off to Neverland

  • When:9/5/2015
  • QIC: PopTart
  • The PAX: Squid, Witch Doctor, Lobster Roll, Joker, Biscuit, Cold Cuts, Floorslapper, Abacus, O’Tennenbaum, Mall Cop, Skywalker, PopTart (Q)

Off to Neverland

We had an even number and Floorslapper arrived on time, so we started off with a mosey around the front of the school over to the bus parking lot.
20 SSH
20 IW
20 Merkin

The Thang:
Head off campus towards Kuykendall to the townhouse neighborhood. In 4 years as an AO, the PAX has never ventured that way. Partner up and run to each side street. Once at the side street, Partner 1 runs to the end for 10 merkins, while Partner 2 performs squats. Flapjack. Continue down to the end of the main road and repeat on the way back. Total of 100 merkins. And since that wasn’t enough, 40 more merkins once we were done. Now we are at 180. Continue down McKee to the next Townhouse neighborhood to the front median. Partner run runs down to the bottom of the hill, while partner 2 performs backward lunge with a forward kick. 200 total per team. Then same concept, but run down to and around the traffic circle back to the top. Partner 2 performs merkins. 200 total per team. Now each PAX is at 280. “Catch Me if You Can” all the way back to the AO. Partner 1 runs, Partner 2 performs 5 Diamond Merkins. Once at the AO, hit the wall for some people’s chair. Extend arms and each PAX calls out a 10 count all the way down the line. Next, head over to the playground.
10 pullups
20 merkins
30 dips.
Now each PAX is at 340 merkins.
Circle up for some ab work.
50 LBCs OYO.
10 x Right leg cross crunch
10 x Left leg cross crunch
20 x Flutter
10 x Opposite toe taps
Protractor. Each PAX calls out a degree around the circle.
10 x Right leg can opener
10 x Left leg can opener
25 Merkins OYO

365+ Merkins total

At some point I lost count, but according to Lobster Roll, we hit 400 merkins. And since he is the merkin king, I will take his word for it. That is why we finished with 25 to hit 400. There was a lot of mumblechatter coming from behind me during COM, and I am pretty sure it was Joker and Cold Cuts. Not sure what they were saying, but I think it had something to do with a ladys’ exercise. I guess they couldn’t handle the exercises I called out, so they were doing something that Suzanne Somers came up with.  Maybe the thigh master?  And congrats to Floorslapper for being on time.  I think that was a first.  And we also determined that O’T is a visual learner, and apparently had to go to work this morning.  I didn’t realize he worked on the weekends.  And the quote of the morning “So you are saying i have a chance”?

Mud Run sign ups end Sept 12.

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Poptart author

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Cold Cuts
Cold Cuts
8 years ago

Pop Tart that was good one today. Joker and I just never knew aerobics could be that hard.

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