Beast Burners?

  • When:7/18/2015
  • QIC: Wild Turkey & Madame Tussauds
  • The PAX: Soft Pretzel, Lex Luthor, Morning After, Mic Check, Bolt, Fire Hazard, POP, Outback, Wild Turkey, Chipotle, Haggis, JRR Tolken, Cheese Curd, Frehley's Comet, Mr. Bean, Madame Tussauds

Beast Burners?

16 SOBs endured a beatdown that left the Pax blazed, befuddled and bloody.
The Thang:
Wild Turkey On Q
From the Vine, Wild Turkey led the Pax to a nearby parking lot to begin the first 30 minutes.

SSH x 20
IW x 15
Cutsey Lunge (Caityns) x 10 From this point on, the mumble chatter went from a whisper to a roar.
Merkins x 10
Sky humpers x 10
Arch Merkins x 10
A short mosey to the BBT parking lot for 60 seconds of curb taps from the plank position.
A long jog through the Ballantyne Hotel parking lot to the Ballantyne Corporate between the parking deck and the soccer field for 2 minutes of alternating leg L-sits.
The Beast 6 rounds of 6 sets of 6 exercises on the grassy field
Round 1: Sprints, Scorpion Carolina Dry Docks
Round 2: Sprints, Hand-release merkins
Sprints 3: Sprints, inside/outside jump squats
Round 4: Bear crawls, Maktar Jai
Round 5: Army crawls, shoulder taps
Round 6: Sprints, Dolly
Madame Tussauds on Q
PAX counted off in 3s and divided into 3 groups:
Group 1: Hair burners in a grassy field 40 yards and back
Group 2: 20 burpees
Group 3: Climb the parking deck stairs with stops on each level for merkins (10 merkins on level 2, 15 merkins on level 3, 20 merkins on level 4, 25 merkins on level 5) and back down the stairs.
The PAX rotated through each of these groups at the own pace.
Then we moseyed back to the COP.
Turkey had a mission, conquer the beast. YHC wanted to work in hair burners because I borrowed the plates from Alf (thanks Brother) and wanted to put them to good use for the SOBs.
WT got a little creative on the COP. The Caitlyn’s started massive amounts of mumble chatter, but the sky humpers broke the camel’s back. 16 men sky humping in a circle caused quite a ruckus in The Gloom. Way to mix it up WT. Don’t listen to the PAX brother, they don’t know what’s good for them.
WT planned to use the soccer field, but it was closed for a week to repair the turf. We used the small space next to the soccer field which made our work pretty cramped for the Beast. As we started our first round of the beast, Lex Luthor accidently kicked YHC in the man-parts. It was a great way to start the beast. I figured I’d just pay him back later in the workout in hair burners.
Bolt (Mic Check’s 2.0) is fast. Kid needs to wear a weight vest.
YHC parked my truck at the parking deck with the weight plates in the back. In my half of the workout, Frehley’s Comet vetoed my decision to do hair burners on the street next to the parking deck, so we carried the plates to the grassy field. At first I was disappointed in the move because I thought the hair burners would be easier on grass, but BOY was I wrong. Hair burners are much tougher on grass. You can’t get any momentum build up and you’re constantly straining to push the weight to the finish. It was painful. Most guys got through each group twice.
Dredd & OBT on Q on 7/25 at 6am on Stonehenge. Spread the word and come out and support those guys.
Blue Ridge SOBs (BRR team) is looking for alternates and van drivers. Let me know if you’re interested.
It was an honor and a privilege for WT and YHC to lead the men in The Gloom.

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Madame Tussauds author

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