Monthly Archive May 2015

#Preblast Higher Ground

Swift will launch at 0515 from the Vine Restaurant at the Ballantyne AO.  Arrive at 0500 for 2nd F pre-run.  Stay until 0630 for 3rd F post-coffee.

You may have been at the beach this mountain and saw nothing higher than a wave or the slope of the beach.  You may have been at the mountains this weekend and saw the hills, but didn’t attack them.  Maybe you’re like YHC and have a longing to get back to the Higher Ground no matter what the long weekend brought you.  This week will be a search for that Higher Ground.  We know where that is, but we’ll have to figure out how to maximize it for our purpose.  Come for a mix of Hill efforts that will build strength and stamina for the hills you’ll be sure to encounter on the BRR later this summer.

Overdrive x5

5 Men arrived in the early morning Gloom for this a.m.’s beatdown

The Thang

Mosey over to SVES for warm up COP
–  SSH x25
–  IW x25
–  Perfect Merkin x10
–  4 count Squats x20
–  LBCs x25

Mosey over Shiloh Elem Playgroup for She Hate Me x 10 mins
–  20 step ups on Bench
–  20 Donkey Kicks in Swing
–  40 Toe Taps on Bench
–  10 pull ups/Supine Pulls ups

Over to the corner of the track

Round 1
– 2 sets of Core
–  Sprint straight away on track and mosey around the corners


Core Work and back on your feet and mosey back over to the bus parking lots beside the middle school.  A little agility work through the bus parking lot (backpeddle, Karaoke right, Karaoke Left, Shuffle Right, Shuffle Left)

Spartan Burpees x10 and COT

Moleskin:  strong work by all this morning.  The sprints and core work turned out to be a not only a gasser but also a test in coordination with a new core exercise (unnamed) which successfully confused the PAX.  Lesson learned.  The Late Show pulled out his racing slicks and burned up the track during the sprints, finishing in the lead every time.  Well done!

Some Gave All

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place: and in the sky
The larks still bravely singing fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead: Short days ago,
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved: and now we lie
In Flanders fields!

Take up our quarrel with the foe
To you, from failing hands, we throw
The torch: be yours to hold it high
If ye break faith with us who die,
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields

Composed at the battlefront on May 3, 1915
during the second battle of Ypres, Belgium

63 pax including 1 FNG posted at South Charlotte Middle School – several SF’s were flying; and off we went for a 5-station beatdown – Q’d by representatives of the 5 Monday Area51 AO’s – Base Camp, The Matrix, Fight Club, Foxhole & DMZ.

The Thang:

After a short COP w/IW x 25 IC, Slow Squat x 20 IC, & 6-count Burpee x 10 IC – pax counted off into 5 groups and went to 5 separate stations, rotating every 10 minutes

5 Stations:

1) Fight Club – no details for obvious reasons

2) Foxhole – Huge Tire, lots of KB’s from Chanel’s arsenal, saw some from Voodoo as well, gear extravaganza

3) The Matrix –

To honor the ~1,354,000 American service men and women who have died for our country we did

1 burpee
3 merkins
5 block press flutters
4 squats with block
Run to parking lot and back (about 70 yards)
Repeat until we rotate


4) Base Camp – good bit of running as Q’d by Strange Brew – also a good hike to get from that station down to Fight Club.

5) DMZ – lots of baseball field work with bearcrawls, lunge walk, broad jump, sprints – mixing in some H-R merkins, plankorama; a couple of the groups did dips & supine pull-ups; one group did some Mary including flutters & Russian twist; YHC felt it necessary to mix it up a bit

Ye Olde Moleskine:

Great group this morning.  Hope the beatdown was sufficiently delivered by your 5 host AO’s – special thanks to the pax of Base Camp for hosting.

With TR playing the occasion-appropriate tunes prior to launch – the pax gathered in good spirits.  I love the convergences as they always remind me of the strength of the community that’s formed in F3 and Area51 specifically.  Grateful for all of you brothers.  Listed 58 of the 63 below – please sound off below for the 5 I can’t recall – Cobains.

Hope you guys don’t mind me sharing a few thoughts related to Memorial Day. I think of Hacker’s father who was killed in action in Vietnam, Pele’s father who was laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery, The Murph who attended the same high school as Geraldo.  This is a day to honor and give thanks for the fallen who gave their lives in defense of our great nation.

And stealing a page from DayZero (don’t miss the 3rd annual workout next Memorial Day weekend) – below is the citation for the only Congressional Medal of Honor winner from my hometown of Monticello, Illinois.  I went to elementary, middle and high school with his nephews and niece.


Rank and organization: Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, Company 1, 3d Battalion, 27th Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF. Place and date: Southern Quang Nam Province Republic of Vietnam, 17 May 1968. Entered service at: Chicago, Ill. Born: 7 November 1949, Monticello, Ill.

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty for service as a machine gunner with Company 1. While on Operation ALLEN BROOK, Company 1 was approaching a dry river bed with a heavily wooded treeline that borders the hamlet of Le Nam (1), when they suddenly came under intense mortar, rocket propelled grenades, automatic weapons and small-arms fire from a large, well concealed enemy force which halted the company’s advance and wounded several marines. Realizing that key points of resistance had to be eliminated to allow the units to advance and casualties to be evacuated, Pfc. Burke, without hesitation, seized his machinegun and launched a series of 1-man assaults against the fortified emplacements. As he aggressively maneuvered to the edge of the steep river bank, he delivered accurate suppressive fire upon several enemy bunkers, which enabled his comrades to advance and move the wounded marines to positions of relative safety. As he continued his combative actions, he located an opposing automatic weapons emplacement and poured intense fire into the position, killing 3 North Vietnamese soldiers as they attempted to flee. Pfc. Burke then fearlessly moved from one position to another, quelling the hostile fire until his weapon malfunctioned. Obtaining a casualty’s rifle and hand grenades, he advanced further into the midst of the enemy fire in an assault against another pocket of resistance, killing 2 more of the enemy. Observing that a fellow marine had cleared his malfunctioning machinegun he grasped his weapon and moved into a dangerously exposed area and saturated the hostile treeline until he fell mortally wounded. Pfc. Burke’s gallant actions upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the U.S. Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.



Day Zero Memorial Day Weekend Convergence & 2 yr anniversary

With 3 shovel flags planted firmly into the earth, 52 men and one photographer spent an hour honoring the brave men and women who have fought for our country.  It went something like this:

0700 – Radar, Purple Haze & Prohibition take the flags and carry them out to the middle of the field.

PART I: COP – Radar on Q

Radar had the Pax count off into 4s (to make your team) and then had the odd numbers step forward to create two circles. Radar then asked everyone to all take a knee and then informed us that there were approximately 455,000 American deaths in WWII…an average of 297 deaths per day.  He then read Citation #1 – Sgt. Sylvester Antolak (see full citation below)

  • SSHs x 50 IC
  • Calf Raises x 50 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x 50 IC

Radar asked the 2.0s to take the flags and lead us in three lines to the Yellow Rose parking lot.

Part II: Main Exercises – Purple Haze on Q

Purple Haze asked everyone to take a knee and then informed us that there were nearly 60,000 American deaths in the Vietnam War along with over 150,000 wounded.  He then read Citation #2 – Pfc. Gary Martini (see full citation below)

In your groups of 4:

  • Partner 1  – Run with the sandbag
  • Partner 2 – 10 merkins, then catch Partner 1. Flapjack all the way around the .6 mile loop
  • Partner 3 – Hairburners in parking lot/road
  • Partner 4 – Suicide run in parking lot. Flapjack with hairburners until Partners 1 & 2 return.
  • Then Partners 1 & 2 to the hairburners and suicides. Partners 3 & 4 do the CMIYC.

Repeat above except with 10 squats for the CMIYC.

Again the Pax lined up into three lines behind our flag carrying 2.0s and returned to the fields.

Part III: Final Exercises – Prohibition on Q

Back on the field, YHC had Pax bring it in tight and elbow plank shoulder to shoulder around the flags.  The Pax remained in the elbow plank position while listening to a Ronal Reagan speech found here:

YHC then asked everyone to take a knee while I read Citation #3 – Corp. Jason Dunham (see full citation below)

YHC then encouraged the Pax to “suffer in silence” as we do 100 burpees and asked that guys who finish early, help out a fellow brother by doing additional burpees to help them finish.  At the very end, YHC asked everyone to do an additional 5 to help out those that couldn’t.

Ball of Man:

Purple Haze took us out with fine words about remembering and honoring those that gave their lives for our freedom and that we always endeavor to uphold the ideals for which they died.  We then concluded with The Lord’s Prayer.


Thank you all for joining us at Day Zero today to honor America and those that have fought for it and paid the ultimate price for the freedoms we enjoy every day.  It was a great group of men and 2.0s out there today and everyone truly gave it their all.  This was the second year we have done this workout and I would like to make it a tradition going forward.  I hope you will continue to join us.

A special thank you to Purple Haze and Radar for creating Day Zero two years ago today.  I know it has been difficult to let it go, but Hairball and I are honored to keep your legacy alive and I hope we are continuing to build it the way you intended it.

Also, thank you to Alf and TR for bringing the hairburner plates.  You are welcome to thank them personally however you see fit.


  • All Sites Convergence on Monday 5/25 at South Charlotte Middle School – 7am
  • F3 Dads is approaching. There will be a limit on sign ups.  Be on the lookout for more info.





Rank and organization: Sergeant, U.S. Army, Company B, 15th Infantry, 3d Infantry Division

Place and date: Near Cisterna di Littoria, Italy, 24 May 1944

Entered service at: St. Clairsville, Ohio

Citation: Near Cisterna di Littoria, Italy, he charged 200 yards over flat, coverless terrain to destroy an enemy machinegun nest during the second day of the offensive which broke through the German cordon of steel around the Anzio beachhead. Fully 30 yards in advance of his squad, he ran into withering enemy machinegun, machine-pistol and rifle fire. Three times he was struck by bullets and knocked to the ground, but each time he struggled to his feet to continue his relentless advance. With one shoulder deeply gashed and his right arm shattered, he continued to rush directly into the enemy fire concentration with his submachinegun wedged under his uninjured arm until within 15 yards of the enemy strong point, where he opened fire at deadly close range, killing 2 Germans and forcing the remaining 10 to surrender. He reorganized his men and, refusing to seek medical attention so badly needed, chose to lead the way toward another strong point 100 yards distant. Utterly disregarding the hail of bullets concentrated upon him, he had stormed ahead nearly three-fourths of the space between strong points when he was instantly killed by hostile enemy fire. Inspired by his example, his squad went on to overwhelm the enemy troops. By his supreme sacrifice, superb fighting courage, and heroic devotion to the attack, Sgt. Antolak was directly responsible for eliminating 20 Germans, capturing an enemy machinegun, and clearing the path for his company to advance.




Rank and Organization: Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, Company F, 2d Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Division

Place and Date: Binh Son, Republic of Vietnam, 21 April 1967

Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. On 21 April 1967, during Operation UNION* elements of Company F, conducting offensive operations at Binh Son, encountered a firmly entrenched enemy force and immediately deployed to engage them. The marines in Pfc. Martini’s platoon assaulted across an open rice paddy to within 20 meters of the enemy trench line where they were suddenly struck by hand grenades, intense small arms, automatic weapons, and mortar fire. The enemy onslaught killed 14 and wounded 18 marines, pinning the remainder of the platoon down behind a low paddy dike. In the face of imminent danger, Pfc. Martini immediately crawled over the dike to a forward open area within 15 meters of the enemy position where, continuously exposed to the hostile fire, he hurled hand grenades, killing several of the enemy. Crawling back through the intense fire, he rejoined his platoon which had moved to the relative safety of a trench line. From this position he observed several of his wounded comrades Lying helpless in the fire-swept paddy. Although he knew that 1 man had been killed attempting to assist the wounded, Pfc. Martini raced through the open area and dragged a comrade back to a friendly position. In spite of a serious wound received during this first daring rescue, he again braved the unrelenting fury of the enemy fire to aid another companion Lying wounded only 20 meters in front of the enemy trench line. As he reached the fallen marine, he received a mortal wound, but disregarding his own condition, he began to drag the marine toward his platoon’s position. Observing men from his unit attempting to leave the security of their position to aid him, concerned only for their safety, he called to them to remain under cover, and through a final supreme effort, moved his injured comrade to where he could be pulled to safety, before he fell, succumbing to his wounds. Stouthearted and indomitable, Pfc. Martini unhesitatingly yielded his life to save 2 of his comrades and insure the safety of the remainder of his platoon. His outstanding courage, valiant fighting spirit and selfless devotion to duty reflected the highest credit upon himself, the Marine Corps, and the U.S. Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.


*Corporal Jason L. Dunham

Date of Issue: 01/11/2007

Organization: U.S. Marine Corps, Company K, 3d Battalion, 7th Marines

Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as Rifle Squad Leader, 4th Platoon, Company K, Third Battalion, Seventh Marines (Reinforced), Regimental Combat Team 7, First Marine Division (Reinforced), on 14 April 2004. Corporal Dunham’s squad was conducting a reconnaissance mission in the town of Karabilah, Iraq, when they heard rocket-propelled grenade and small arms fire erupt approximately two kilometers to the west. Corporal Dunham led his Combined Anti-Armor Team towards the engagement to provide fire support to their Battalion Commander’s convoy, which had been ambushed as it was traveling to Camp Husaybah. As Corporal Dunham and his Marines advanced, they quickly began to receive enemy fire. Corporal Dunham ordered his squad to dismount their vehicles and led one of his fire teams on foot several blocks south of the ambushed convoy. Discovering seven Iraqi vehicles in a column attempting to depart, Corporal Dunham and his team stopped the vehicles to search them for weapons. As they approached the vehicles, an insurgent leaped out and attacked Corporal Dunham. Corporal Dunham wrestled the insurgent to the ground and in the ensuing struggle saw the insurgent release a grenade. Corporal Dunham immediately alerted his fellow Marines to the threat. Aware of the imminent danger and without hesitation, Corporal Dunham covered the grenade with his helmet and body, bearing the brunt of the explosion and shielding his Marines from the blast. In an ultimate and selfless act of bravery in which he was mortally wounded, he saved the lives of at least two fellow Marines. By his undaunted courage, intrepid fighting spirit, and unwavering devotion to duty, Corporal Dunham gallantly gave his life for his country, thereby reflecting great credit upon himself and upholding the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service.



School ain’t over yet…

10 Men of Union put their long holiday weekend on hold long enough to make a downPainment on a better future- Here is the price they paid:

COP – In Cadence
SSH x 25
Squats x 20
Merkins x 20

Mosey to Rock Quarry, choose wisely
Curls x 10 IC
Overhead x 10 IC
Tricep Extension x 10 IC
Goblet Squat x 10 IC
Curl-Overhead-Tricep superset x 10
One Legged Squat w Rock x 10 each leg
Curls x 10 IC

Bring your friend to the wall
People’s Chair- Chest Press straight out w Rock x 15
People’s Protractor – Hold Rock overhead, and various miserable angles
Dump Rock back on pile. Good Riddance.

Mosey to base of Hill for Sevens
Run to top, 1 Merkin. Run down, 6 Burpees.
Work thru cycle to 6 Merkins at top, 1 burpee at bottom.

Mosey to bridge, backwards Lunge Walk across bridge.
Bear Crawl part-way up sidewalk, Crab Walk further up sidewalk.
20 Box Jumps
15 Dips IC
10 Derkins IC

Mosey down to field, partner up.
Partner suicides: 1 does called exercise while 2 runs suicides. Change exercise each time Partner 2 tags baseline. Flapjack after full suicide cycle completed.
Merkins, Squats, Carolina Dry Docks, LBCs.
Partner Throw-downs, 20 each.
Partner Derkins, 20 each.
Wheelbarrow to first cone, Flapjack back.
Partner Carry to second cone, Flapjack back.

Indian Run up to and around track.
Mary at Concession Stand- LBC’s, Heels to Heaven, Bicycle.
Mosey back to front of school.

20 Box Jumps OYO
15 Dips IC
15 Derkins IC

Merkins x 20 IC
Diamonds x 10 IC
Widearm x 10 IC

LBCs x 15

Any time you show up at school in late May, expect a final exam. The Pax were tested, and passed with flying colors-
A couple audibles by YHC along the way. I was hoping to throw in some work on the Chin Up station at the track, but didn’t see it during our lap. Maybe because Dasher, always the lead dog, forgot which direction the track turns. And I might have been so smoked after Suicides that I forgot about the Pusharama until we were back at the front of the school.
Welcome to FNG Bouncer (Derrick Smith), another Spartan recruit from Kevorkian. Like the grim doctor and his Spartan partners, Bouncer means business. #strongneighborhood
Pretty soon we will have all of Lawson at Commitment!

Hill and Dale present the “Death March”- May 29th at 7:00 PM. Details here

F3 Death March Preblast – Event is CANCELLED!

Blue Ridge Relay- one of the events F3 has been gathering for en masse, this is an amazing team relay from Virginia to Asheville, 210 miles of relay legs. Spots may be full now, but reach out if interested as people drop out from injury of last-minute conflicts. A truly memorable event! Sept 11-12.

Peyton Manning meets Yard Crashers

As I stumbled through my second Q, I awakened my inner Peyton Manning to call audibles, while utilizing my retaining wall scraps from my backyard. The original plan was modified due to either my terrible memory, or workout being much harder than anticipated. Partner up and grab a block from the retaining wall.

Warm Up:
Mosey over to front of theatre for COP and disclaimer.
20 SSH
20 IW
20 Merkins

The Thang:
Mosey over behind Target for some suicides and block work.
Partner 1 runs to the first speed hump, Partner 2 performs Monkey Humpers. Flapjack.
Partner 1 runs to the 2nd speed hump, Partner 2 performs shoulder press/tricep extensions. Flapjack.
Partner 1 runs to the 3rd speed hump, Partner 2 performs Lunges with blocks. Flapjack.
Partner 1 runs to the 4th speed hump, Partner 2 performs shoulder press/tricep extensions. Flapjack.
Partner 1 runs to the 5th speed hump, Partner 2 performs squats with block. Flapjack.
Partner 1 runs to the 6th speed hump, Partner 2 performs curls with block. Flapjack.
Total mileage covered during suicides: 1.5 miles.

Mosey back to the front of movie theater and circle up for a set of Super 21, so I thought.

Super 15 (formerly known as Super 21): Do 1 merkin followed by 1 LBC; 2 merkins / 2 LBCs; 3 merkins / 3 LBCs, etc., etc. ……. up to 15 merkins/ 15 LBCs (total of 120 merkins and 120 LBCs). Inserted, Squats x 21 after Super 21 #10)

Finish up then one lap around the parking lot for Partner 1, while Partner 2 completes Russian twist with block. Flapjack.

Head back to parking lot where we parked for one round of Mary: Can Opener x 10 on both legs.

I am still fine tuning the cadence, while trying to be creative with the workout. Obviously getting too creative can be more confusing, than beneficial. Thanks Hopper for having me break down the suicide exercises elementary style for everyone. (I don’t even think I knew what exercise I was calling out). As we circled for a round of Super 21s, which none of us had tried before, it was apparent that 21 is a tough number to achieve. I even threw in a set of squats to allow for some recovery, but as we continued with #11 of the Super, I started hearing mumblechatter from the Pax to make the pain stop. I was more than happy to oblige, as my arms felt like noodles. I tried to stop at 13, but the Pax pushed me to stop at 15.

Thanks Hopper and Ickey Shuffle coming back to Rebel Yell to get a good beating from my workout. Also, we had an FNG. Van Down by the River, aka Foley. Thanks for joining and hope to see you next time.


2nd installment of the So. Charlotte/Area 51 Moderate running workout.  6 PAX this morning pulled up to SCMS on this crisp cool October, I mean, May morning!  For now, there is no surprise “where” we will do the workout… so straight-up 5:15, we headed to the track.

COP is really just stretching to get ready for the pain!  After some basic stretching, we incorporated some Swift-inspired toe walks, butt-kickers, high knees, and Skips A & B.

1-mile slow warm-up.

Main event 2-1-30:
2:00 at I-pace (2-mile race pace)
1:00 Recovery
1:00 at I-pace
0:30 Recovery
0:30 at I-pace
0:30 Recovery… Rinse and Repeat back to 2:00 I-pace.
We did 5 rounds.

Complete 1000m cool down.  Return to parking lot for final stretching, and DONE!

Total mileage was somewhere between 4.5-5.5 miles… YHC didn’t have exemplar clock and/or device mgmt this morning!

As always an honor to lead this group of fine men!  This workout is just getting started, so Stumphugger and I are very excited by the initial interest and participation.

The workout was pretty straight forward… only maligned by YHC’s failed electronics on the first round/cycle.  Strange Brew provided well-timed and accurate failover/contingency, so the only real casualty was YHC’s blemished record!  Rounds 2-5 were much better.

Much like last week, this type of running takes some practice, both to lead and to participate in.  The key is to get to where you can predict and run at the right pace(s) consistently.  Some of that comes with using a watch, but most of it comes with understanding your own capacity.  I’m excited to learn this side of running, which let me reiterate for the 10,000th time, is very new to me!

Everyone today did AWESOME!!

Strange Brew was quietly running consistently… and through the rounds, continued to “move up” based on that consistency.  That is his lesson learned from Swift, and his experience proves him right!  Always great working out with the Brew!

Awesome to have Graffiti join us.  He has beein IR-ing his hip for several months.  And on top of that, has a bit more of a drive than most to get to SCMS.  Graffiti brings some great running experience to the workout on top of awesome fellowship!  It showed today with Graffiti being consistently out front.

High Tide joined us at the track.  He was having conversations with himself about if he was really going to do this or not!  Glad the “DO THIS” side won out!  Looking forward to having you officially graduate from “0.0” (while technically you HAVE… this can be the diploma… there’s no going back!!)

The Mouth has now been a 2-week regular!  Strong as always… great mumblechatter… consistently out front with Graffiti.

And then Sensei crushed it as you knew he would!  I get to run with Sensei a lot… he keeps getting stronger and stronger!!  He will be running sub-8:00 miles for his tempo run by the end of Summer!  T-Claps to Graffiti for taking a round with Sensei.  I call it a “test drive”… and Sensei is thankful he doesn’t have to listen to me for 10-15 minutes!  For those wanting a “test drive”… just know it is a sports car, not a sedan!  Lots of horsepower and likes to go fast!

Missed Stumphugger this morning… he’s IR-ing a few areas, but will join us as he recovers.

Strange Brew took us out in prayer.

We were able to add a little 2nd F fellowship with Byron, Dora, Drop Thrill, Big League Chew and a few others that were doing some band stretching in the parking lot.  I can tell DT is getting game ready for the running workout!

1.  Convergence this weekend for Ascent, The Rock and Day Zero for sure on Saturday… might be others… check the website.  Then convergence on Monday at South Charlotte Middle School.
2.  Continue to sign-up for BRR;  Runners and Drivers needed!


Pushing the SOBs

YHC tweeted out yesterday evening that this morning’s workout was designed for men who wanted a little more out in The Gloom, men who wanted that extra push they might not be getting from a normal bootcamp workout. Well, this isn’t a normal bootcamp workout, this is The Brave. A post where men can come to find out what they are made of and I don’t think I disappointed the PAX. 22 SOBs answered the call to be pushed harder this morning.

Here’s what we did:

The Thang:

Mosey to COP (.75 mile) – IW IC X 10, Squats IC X 10, Merkins X 10

Mosey over to the Small Pond (with the bridge) for modified 11s which include running up the hill, 10 merkins at the top, 1 burpee at the bottom and 1 lap around the lake; running up the hill, 9 merkins at the top, 2 burpees at the bottom and 1 lap around the lake; etc… Once you finish your set, meet up with the six and finish their set. (2-2.5 miles depending on the number of laps you did. 0.2 miles per lap around the pond)

Then, mosey over to the bottom of Ben Nevis on Ballantyne Commons for instructions from the Q. (0.25 miles)

Run up Ben Nevis pushing a fast pace, 10 burpees at the top, recover mosey down Ben Nevis to wait for the six, 20 Dips/20 Durkins on the road side guard rail, rinse and repeat. (1 mile)

Head back to the COT (1 mile)


YHC is headed down to Mexico with the M for a week to celebrate my 10 year wedding anniversary. My goal was to leave a little gift for the PAX to remember me by. That gift, my brothers, was the gift of pain.

The mission of The Brave is to be a run heavy bootcamp. 4-6 miles each Friday plus your fair share of merkins, durkins, burpees, pull-ups, hill runs and LBCs is what every SOB needs to become a well-rounded fitness animal. Are you ready for Beast Mode? Keep posting men.

As always, it was a pleasure leading my SOB brothers in The Gloom.


F3 Dads starts June 7th at Francis Beatty Park

F3 Dad Camp is Mid-August. Sign up on the F3 Nation Website.

Meathead 5/21

Meat City today with plenty of doubles and merkins…

20 SSH’s
15 Merkins
10 Halos

Partner Up: Doubles

5 x 5 Clean-Squat-Press

5 x 5 Double High Pulls

5 x 5 Double Snatches

5 x 8 Double Swings

5 x 5 Double Alt Press

5 x 5 Suitcase Lunges

5 Rounds of 20 Merkins/20 Two Hand Swings


This is one of my favorite workouts every time I come and I need to do so more often. It looked like the boys were getting after it today and I didn’t hear too much complaining. I for one am still getting used to double kb’s and I believe the focus on keeping the back straight and staying tight throughout while picking up and putting down the KB’s is the real key to enjoying these and getting much stronger from head to toe. I would try to think of somebody to make fun of but my shirt was too short and I soaked TR’s bells with sweat so I’ll take the bullet today. Thanks Bulldog for taking us out brother and thanks to High Tide and Brown for the Q. Check the website and twitter for convergence situations… I will be at the pool.