9 Strong grabbed their bell in one hand and raised a fist of defiance with the other.
Warm-up: SSH (20), IW (20), Scorpion Merkins (10), Low, slow squat (15), KB swings (20), Thread-the- needle merkins (10)
Partner up and mosey to track about 40 yards away from pull-up bars. Accumulate 200 swings with your partner while the other partner runs to bars for 5 pull-ups and back.
Tabata around the playground with 9 stations. 25 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest:
Double KB swing or high pull with various weights
Personal KB option (swing, clean, etc.)40lb. MB Squat and Launch
Pull-up with band assist if needed
TRX merkins
Band Fireouts
65lb. Barbell option (press, curl, squat, whatever you need)
Renegade Rows 20lb. DBs
Battling Rope-a-dope
Grab bell and mosey to other parking lot for X Marks the Spot…15 sidewalk chalk X’s were waiting on us around the edge of the lot, 15-20 yards apart. We carried bells overhead, alternating from left side to right side between each X. 1st X – 10 swings, 2nd X – 10 merkins, 3rd X – 10 flutter kick dollies with KB press. Repeat for 5 total rounds through all of the X’s. We took a 2nd F 10 second break in the middle.
Back to main parking lot for Band-aid. Hand out blue bands and went through lower-body mobility time – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmqNCzPE8PI
COT – Chum was Holy Ghosting this morning! Great takeout.
This looked good on paper, but hurt in person. Great job everyone! Original title of this BB was “It Doesn’t Have to be Hard to Make You Better,” but I knew that would lead to some inappropriate jokes. The point was YHC was smoked 47 minutes in and didn’t want to do Mary or even look at my bell anymore. We changed gears to something I think we all need more of…flexibility/mobility/recovery work. The response was very positive. It wasn’t hard, but might have revealed some areas that need addressing, and left us all better than we started. There is a quick recap video above and you can do the same drills with a beach towel or any band.
We tweaked the 10 second break to add in a fellowship component. Rather than just counting to 10, turn to your neighbor and find out the name(s) of their kid(s) (or nephews or neighbors if they don’t have kids). Now you have names to add to your prayer life later in the day and it connects the group a little more.
BLC and Baracus are on IR and still showed up! We were not a true 0.0 site today, but they adapted and chose fellowship over fart-sacking. Nice work men!
Fletch might be the new “pound for pound” stud of F3. I’ve got him by 40lbs. but he uses the same size bell and I have never seen him get tired. He might be the new T-1000.
Crawdad shared the War Daddy and Respect moniker with BLC. He brings a smile and amazing effort to every challenge.
Young Love just does everything well…that’s why I secretly hate him. Don’t tell him I said so.
Ickey Shuffle represented for 30 minutes then had to resume his life. Great to see you, even if it was brief.
Winter Place is another fast, lean dude that can just kill it all day! Great meeting you brother!
Chum brought water for the COT, power, integrity, solid prayer, and class to the group today. How do you do it, man?!
Thanks men for making better and the great camaraderie today!
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