Keep It Moving

  • When:01/15/2015
  • QIC: Frasier
  • The PAX: Mic Check, Rip Curl, Chiptole, Crab Cake, Wild Turkey, Teddy, Champagne, Market Timer, Soul Glow, Spackler, Strawberry, Big Tuna, Pop Tart, Garbage Plate, Brisket, About Time, Alf, Cable Guy, Go Daddy, Bulldog, Frasier (Q)

Keep It Moving

21 Brave men got up this morning to see if there would be a fun run challenge between Alf and Radar who boasted that he would stack his best time up to Alf’s any day.  With Radar apparently having one too many Diet Cokes the Pax took off in disappointment.

The Thang: Mosey a short distance for the warm up in the parking beside the theatre.

SSH x 20

Merkins x 15

IW x 20

Hold plank for two minutes with good form.

Mosey over to the parking lot across the street where Wells Fargo is situated.  The Pax was asked to line up facing the retaining wall and pick a size of the wall that was challenging.

First round: Wall jumps x 10; Squats x 15; Merkins x 20 run around Wells Fargo.  Plank when you are done.  Elbow plank, right leg high, left leg high, regular plank, right leg high, left leg high.  Pax were asked for ten count after each leg.

Second round: Repto and plank at the end.

Mosey to the top of the Murderhorn.  Plank until the six arrives with wide arm Merkins x 10 thrown in.  Mosey to the bottom of the Murderhorn and then back up to the rock pile in front of the swim clubhouse.  Pick a challenging rock.  Directions were to do an exercise at each station with the first station being the rock pile, second station the bottom of the Murderhorn and the last station the first light post going up the Murderhorn.  Return to base after you complete all three.

First round: curls x 25; LBC x 25; hand release Merkins x 25.

Second round: press ups x 25; flutter x 25; diamond merkins x 25.

Throw your rock back where you found #leaveitasyoufoundit.

AYG to the first lamp post going back to the AO.  Plank until the six gets there.  Dolly x 20

AYG to the second lamp post.  Russian twist x 21

AYG to third lamp post.  Heels to Heaven x 15

Mosey across the street to the AO for triple nickel on the hill by the movie theatre.  Jump squats at the top and hand release merkins at the bottom.


Moleskin: There was a lot of dodging cars out there today.  Almost a Frogger situation.  It was certainly the busiest I have seen the Murderhorn with traffic.  We covered a lot of ground outside the perimeter today.  Everyone did great getting around and helping out one another.

Bulldog, Spackler, Alf and Teddy were always out front.  I guess that new diet is paying off Spackler.  #BRRready.

It is always great leading and trying to come up with challenging ways to push the Pax.  It gets harder each time because we have so many great guys that are in shape and getting in shape.


Let Turkey Leg know if you are interested in the BRR.

Fight club starts this Saturday at the Vine at 8:00.

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Frasier author

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9 years ago

Big Tuna was pushing it today. I could feel something freight train-ish coming up on me on that last run up MH. Low and behold it was BT. Good work buddy.

So much for BRR van brotherhood. Radar slept in and Haze chose the sadclown Planet Fitness route to work on his calves. The others probably sacked or worked it up w FIA. Nice work Soul Glow and Frasier.

Reply to  Spackler
9 years ago

“Sacked” and “worked it up with FIA”? Sounds pretty PG-13 to me.

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