10 men did manly things at Area 51 this morning.
Standard warm up… 1/4 mile jog, SSH, IW, Squats, Incline Merkin
Wall time with some arm presses and merkins mixed in.
Retrieve cinder blocks.
Teams of three with one shared cinder block run 800M loop as fast as you can, switching off with the cinder block as needed.
Playground time… pull ups and squats.
Back to the cinder blocks for another 800M team race.
Playground time again… dips and squats
Back to the cinder blocks for a third 800M team race.
Playground time… LBC, Flutter, Dolly and Mason Twists.
Return cinder blocks.
Go to rock pile for curls, shoulder presses and squats.
Field time… butt kickers, karaoke, back pedal.
Finish with CDD and burpees.
Good work by all this morning. O’T took some ribbing – deservedly – for his poncho… the guy is old school all the way. Floor Slapper is starting to show up at workouts on time, but Donkey Kong is taking his place as the most likely to roll in at 7:02AM. A number of guys brought canned goods and cereal boxes for our Area 51 holiday food drive that we are doing with Calvary Church… well done.
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