177 burpee BB Joust

  • When:12/05/14
  • QIC: Header
  • The PAX: Sanka, les Mis,horse head, stone cold, tiger rag, mr. Brady, smokey,Baracus, prohibition, blue rhino, freedom, header

177 burpee BB Joust

A friendly wager between Kevlar and Joust on which site could generate more shoes for the Charlotte Rescue Mission resulted in Tiger Rag doing 177 burpees this morning.  Needless to say, Joust turned in 101 shoes while Kevlar which was led by TR turned in 76. A win for Charlotte Rescue Mission but someone had to pay the price!


SSH 21, IW 21, Merkins 15, Peter Parker 12, Parker Peter 12,Monkey Humpers 15

Mosey to split rail fence – 10 Derkins w feet on lower rail, 10 Derkins w feet on upper rail, 10 Derkins w feet on lower rail – rinse and repeat. (TR replaces Merkins w burpees)

Mosey to track and partner up.  Partners run opposite directions around track and when they meet they do 20 partner slap Merkins.  They continue their run and do 20 partner slap Merkins upon meeting. Rinse and repeat.  (TR replaces Merkins w burpees)

Mosey up stadium steps to playground. Partner up.  Partner one runs down stadium steps and does 20 step ups at bottom of stadium and then runs up and replaces partner two from excercise.  Flap jack. Three sets of exercises.  Heals to heaven, hanging knee ups, mason twists

Mosey to Grandma Mtn.  Run up and down mtn 4 times and do 15 carolina dry docks at the bottom of each trip. Ways we ran up the mtn-bear crawl, run, backwards,run.

Mosey to sideline of football field. Each man calls out an excercise for the pax to do while he runs across the width of the field. We go throu all 12 members of the pax.

Mosey back to the parking lot and jail break up cars. Go to split rail fence and do Derkins 3 sets of 10


A great morning!

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9 years ago

From burpees to turf wilting flatulence to imperial walkers in public showers, this workout was all about our fearless leader.

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