Rest Easy, Area 51 BB is now Live

  • When:11/29/14
  • QIC: Lobster Roll
  • The PAX: O'Tannenbaum, Floor Slapper, Slapshot, Beaver, Donkey Kong, Huggy Bear

Rest Easy, Area 51 BB is now Live

(Posted on behalf of Lobster Roll)

After a few late arrivals, 7 PAX departed from the VSF and were off and running.  Quick loop to the cinder block pile to collect a companion for today’s session.

Part 1 consisted of 4 stations along a 1 mile route (carrying the cinder block of course)

Station 1:

  • 25 x SSH (IC)
  • 20 x Merkins (OYO)
  • 25 x IW (IC)
  • 20 x Incline Merkins on the Block (OYO)
  • 25 x Block Squats (IC)
  • 20 x Decline Merkins w/ feet on Block (OYO)
  • 25 x Calf Raises (IC)
  • 20 x Staggered Merkins w/ Left Hand on Block (OYO)
  • 25 x LBC (IC)
  • 20 x Staggered Merkins w/ Right Hand on Block (OYO)

Station 2:

  • 5 Burpees after each of the following:
  • 20 x Block Shoulder Press
  • 20 x Block Bicep Curl
  • 15 x Lying Down Tricep Extension (IC, each side)
  • 15 x Back Row w/ Block (IC, each side)
  • 25 x Flutter (IC, w/ Block over head)

Station 3:

  • 25 x SSH (IC)
  • 20 x Merkins (OYO)
  • 25 x IW (IC)
  • 20 x Incline Merkins on the Block (OYO)
  • 25 x Block Squats (IC)
  • 20 x Deline Merkins on the Block (OYO)
  • 25 x Calf Raises (IC)
  • 20 x Staggered Merkins w/ Left Hand on Block (OYO)
  • 25 x Dolly (IC, w/ Block over head)
  • 20 x Staggered Merkins w/ Right Hand on Block (OYO)

Station 4:

  • 5 Burpees after each of the following:
  • 20 x Block Shoulder Press
  • 20 x Block Bicep Curl
  • 15 (each side) x Lying Down Tricep Extension (IC)
  • 15 (each side) x Back Row w Block (IC)
  • 25 x Mason Twist (IC)

Return the cinder blocks and head to the playground

  • 10 x Pull-ups
  • 20 x Merkins
  • 30 x Dips

Wrapped it up with 6 MOM


Per Lobster Roll, lots of hard work by these men.  Great job all.


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Abacus author

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