Rebel Yell Becomes a Strawberry Field

  • When:12-4-2014
  • QIC: Radar
  • The PAX: Spackler, Fireman Ed, Frehleys Comet, Morning after, Go Daddy, Big Tuna, Strawberry, Heart Breaker, Black Beard, Rump Roast, Patch Adams, Bout Time, Mermaid, Rock Thrill, Hair Ball, Semi Gloss, Gummy, Radar (QIC)

Rebel Yell Becomes a Strawberry Field

The ThangaLang


Mosey with some butt kicks, high knees, and karaoke mixed in


Circle up

50 cadence SSH

25 mountain climbers

5 rounds of 10 second 6 inch hold followed by 10 quick merkins


Mosey back to the parking lot


Get in groups of 3. Grab a plate and a sand bag.

P1- Hairburners across the parking lot towards the hill. Run up the hill and back down. Hairburners back to your group

P2- Sandbag Work- Overhead press

P3- Run around the parking lot.

Flap Jack until everyone does each exercise 

P1- Hairburners across the parking lot towards the hill. Run up the hill and back down. Hairburners back to your group

P2- Sandbag Work- up right rows

P3- Run around the parking lot.

Flap Jack until everyone does each exercise 

P1- Hairburners across the parking lot towards the hill. Run up the hill and back down. Hairburners back to your group

P2- Sandbag Work- Overhead press

P3- Run around the parking lot.

Flap Jack until everyone does each exercise 

P1- Hairburners across the parking lot towards the hill. Run up the hill and back down. Hairburners back to your group

P2- Sandbag Work- Walking Merkins

P3- Run around the parking lot.

Flap Jack until everyone does each exercise 

P1- Run with the sand bag across the parking lot towards the hill. Run up the hill and back down. Run back to you group

P2- Carolina Dry Docks

P3- Run around the parking lot.

Flap Jack until everyone does each exercise 

P1- Run with the sand bag across the parking lot towards the hill. Run up the hill and back down. Run back to you group

P2- Knee Tucks- Counting out loud

P3- Hold 6 inched until P2 gets to 10 knee tucks then do 10 merkins

Flap Jack until everyone does each exercise


P1- Hairburners across the parking lot towards the hill. Run up the hill and back down. Hairburners back to your group

P2- Sandbag Work- Curls

P3- Run around the parking lot.

Flap Jack until everyone does each exercise


The hairy funny looking Moleskin


Good group out there today. Pretty quiet once the hairburners started. Not a lot to say except that it hurt. At least it did me. Thanks for letting me lead





Strawberry to take over for Spacker as RY site q


Sign up for the Joe Davis run. Best race shirt in town


Christmas Party this Saturday. Bring canned goods. Plenty of spotted dick at Harris Teeter according to Spackler


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Radar author

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10 years ago

Radar, brutal workout. Sorry I missed it.

10 years ago

Horrible, just horrible. If Dean & Deluca runs out of merlot, they may be able to find some on the Stonecrest pavement.

TClaps to Semi Gloss for rocking a shirt with the sleeves tore off.

Spackler was driving a Chevy “rental” that may have been stolen from a parking lot near Uptown Cabaret.

Lots of work being put in out there today. Watch out for the dew on the hill. It’s easier to slide down anyway.

10 years ago

Yes this one was really bad. I HATE hairburners. Hairburners HATE Spack more. I’m not sure if I was closer to throwing up or crapping my pants but either would have felt better than the burn in my lungs and thighs.

That chevy rental is pimp. She came primed with the smell of stale cigs, sweat and sweet perfume. Not sure about the glitter but I never did venture in the backseat. Like any ‘rental’, I ragged that thing out.

But anywho, BBC is back and pissed.

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