Run off that turkey and dressing

  • When:11/29/14
  • QIC: Strawberry
  • The PAX: Les Luther, Pulled Pork, Chipotle, Tiger Rag, Strawberry

Run off that turkey and dressing

Apparently only 5 SOB’s ate too much and wanted to work it off on a beautiful Saturday morning.

The Thang:

Mosey to parking lot S. of The Vine: disclaimer for all of the old salts posting today. SSH x 20ish; 10 Burpees OYO; slow squats x 20; mosey to bottom of stairs at circle around pond.

Dips x 30; reverse LBCs x 30 – jog/run to next station / Derkins x 30; Dolly x 30 / jog/run to grassy area / Kerkins (merkins on knuckles) x 30; LBC x 30.

jog/ run back to beginning for full lap. 6 inches until all finish. Repeato.

Dips x 30; step ups x 30 – jog/run to next station / Incline Merkins x 30;  lungs x 30 / jog/run to grassy area / Kerkins (merkins on knuckles) x 30; LBC x 30.

jog/run another full lap. Mosey to parking lot at base of hill at bridge crossing over BCParkway. Run up hill to bridge; merkinjacks OYO; run down – heels to heaven.

Chippy’s turn. Run up to bridge – say hello to ladies running in parkas. People’s chair on bridge with air presses. Run to parking deck – all the way up without stopping. catch breath and back down stairs. Run back to parking.


Not a lot of PAX posting – must be out of town or just didn’t over indulge like YHC. We did have TR present, so we were in good hands. YHC isn’t a runner, but we all needed to work off that turkey so there you have it. This was YHC’s VQ at this AO so Chipotle assisted to keep me straight. Thanks brother! Obvious TR is a much better runner than us – he could have taken a LONG break at the top of the parking deck as the rest struggled up. Coffee was nice afterwards – thanks a bunch Pulled Pork! Always a pleasure to lead.


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