A Running We Will Go, Sorry Udder, The Q Did Show

  • When:12/1/2014
  • QIC: Strange Brew
  • The PAX: Freedom, Header, Spinner, Insomniac, Wild Turkey, Frostbite, Udder, Crawl Space, Slim Fast, Fireman Ed, Dunder, Strange Brew

A Running We Will Go, Sorry Udder, The Q Did Show

12 pax posted on a beautiful morning to attend Base Camp, all forgot their s’mores ingredients but the only real ingredient that was needed was pain.  So off we went.  To the pre-school parking lot for a little COP:

SSH x 20

Low Slow Squats x 15

Merkins x 12

SSH (increasing cadence speed) x 12

Rock Hoppers x 10

Follow the Q towards the park.  Stop half way to plank and wait for the six

Reach the playground equipment, partner up for

3 rounds of:

Partner AMRAP pull ups + 2

10 step ups each leg or 10 jump ups

20 dips


10 elevated CDD’s

15 Squats

20 LBC’s

Plank it up

Repeato x 3

With partner, run back to the school parking lot

A little plank-o-rama while assembling

On the grass for some Mary:

Sid-The-Kid x 15 oyo each way

Heels to Heaven IC to 10

Since it’s Base Camp let’s sit down for a while in People’s Chair

x 50 arm raises


Back in the Chair for left leg up and right leg up, arms out in front

Back to the grass for

Dolly x 20 IC

That’s all she wrote for this one


The Q was caught a bit off guard in a good way when on the way back to the school the pax made it back in Base Camp record time, must have been some serious isi going on out there, YHC was pushed by Header who was doing all the talking while YHC was trying to breathe and keep up.  This allowed extra time for pain back at the school.  The pax really killed it this morning, seemed more like a regular workout to the point where I had to remember to call for a 10 count and even then I’m not sure the pax even needed it.  Somehow Insomniac found the pax part way through showing his determination not to miss out on the workout, way to persevere.  Freedom was looking like a real runner on his way back with Fireman Ed, complaining about the running but yet looking strong, maybe a hidden talent there. Some of the newer pax that YHC is still getting to know are looking pretty strong like Crawl Space, Wild Turkey and Dunder (who claimed he isn’t a runner as he and his partner were coming in second back to the school) for example, great to see, that’s the point of this thing called F3. Frostbite looking pretty warm and quick, he’s ready for the Joe Davis already, it’s now just a mental matter.

Freedom with the re-grounding to the Sky Q on the take out, thanks brother, you’re appreciated.


Yup, you guessed it, Joe Davis Resolution Run sign up:


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Strange Brew author

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