Let’s Take This Underground

  • When:11/15/14
  • QIC: Mic Check
  • The PAX: Big Tuna, Market Timer, Dolphin, Mr Bean, Loogie, Chipotle, Mad Hatter, Camacho, Tussaud, Head Spin, Hopper, Mic Check

Let’s Take This Underground

12 brave fellas woke up, checked the weather and still decided it was worth posting this morning.

The Thang:

Mosey to a warm parking deck on the lowest level.  Circle up and start moving.

  • SSH
  • IWS
  • Merkins
  • MTNS

We worked our way back at forth from one end of the deck to the other.  Mixing in various exercises at each end.  Half way through the mosey, turned into AYG to the other end then do said exercises.

  • 7ish count Burpees.  All together with good form.
  • Merkins – slow and good form
  • MTNS
  • Lunge
  • Bear Crawl
  • Broad Jump
  • Crab Walk
  • Partner Wheelbarrow
  • Flutta
  • Dolly
  • LBC

Mix in some plank work and we were gassed at the end of it all.

Thine Ole Moleskine

So we all know it’s cold and it makes it harder to get out on mornings on days  like today.  YHC took this into account and moved the PAX to a warmer lower level of the garage.

Impressive work by a number of guys today, sprinting hard throughout.  Big Tuna,  Mad Hatter, Hopper, Camacho, Dolphin are ones I recall flying past me regularly.  Market Timer of course blew past everyone with ghost crab speed in the crab walk.

Closed it out with guys laughing and enjoying some coffee.  Great start to the weekend.


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Mic Check author

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