Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head…

  • When:11/1/14
  • QIC: Slim Fast
  • The PAX: High Tide, Moon River, Goon, Heisenberg, Strange Brew, Slim Fast

Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head…

6 PAX truly demonstrated how messed up they are to get out of their warm fartsacks, suit up and come workout at Ascent.  The rain didn’t really start until 0700… same as start time… but off we went!

The Thang:
2 warm-up laps around the track with some assorted high knees, butt kickers, karioke, and backwards run.

COP on the track:
SSH x 20
5 Burpees OYO
IW x 20
4 Burpees OYO
Slow Squats x 20
3 Burpees OYO
Mountain Climbers x 15
2 Burpees OYO
CDD’s x 10
1 Burpee OYO

Slow jog to Harris Teeter (.75 mi).  Stopped 5 times for 5 Merkins (25 total).
At HT parking lot, we did 3 sets of Suicide runs:
3 lines, then sprint to end… rinse and repeat coming back
3 lines, then backwards run to end… rinse and repeat coming back
3 lines, then lunge walk to the end… rinse and repeat coming back

Slow jog back to Olde Providence (.75 mi).  Stopped 5 times for 5 Merkins (25 total).

Grabbed some wall for people’s chair x 3 with arm raises x 30, 40, 50

Paired up for team reps… Partner 1 does called kettlebell exercise while Partner 2 does quick lap thru parking lot.  Then flap jack until total reps=100/team:
1.  KB swings
2.  Bent over row (50 x right, 50 x left)
3.  KB curls (50 x right, 50 x left, or two handed)

Finished with Mary:
LBC x 15
Dolly x 15
Flutter x 15
Sid the Kid x 10 each direction
Protractor called and led by Moon River

Done and done… time for coffee and warm-up the hands!


Excellent job by the PAX this morning in less than ideal conditions.  Of course in 3 months, today will seem like a heat wave… but YHC is from Texas, so today might as well have been in 3 feet of snow!  But I digress…

High Tide had to leave a piece of clothing in the bushes on the way to HT… I’m sure any passers by assumed someone was in distress in the bush… but we collected all clothing and equipment before leaving!

We were wet on our tops, but we tried to stay off the ground… no gratuitous soaking of clothes.  YHC is going to invest in some SmartWool based on recommendation from Strange Brew… if it is good enough for a Canuk, it is good enough for a Texan!

1.  Joe Davis Run… sign up… 5k, 10k.
2.  Bring shoes for shoe drive.
3.  F3 Area 51 Christmas Party Dec 6.

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Slim Fast author

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