21 pax including 2 FNG’s (welcome Go Daddy and Bout Time) showed great determination and stamina this morning at Rebel Yell but ultimately had their hearts broken and will stomped upon to start out their day.
The Thang
Spackler Q
Mosey down Murderhorn up to pool parking lot for a short COP.
20 SSH
Partner up – Partner 1 does called exercise while Partner 2 run down to stop sign and back. Flapjack
Incline Merkins
Plank work
Heartbreaker Q
Mosey to base of Murderhorn
15 merkin OYO
2 groups Indian Run up Murderhorn back to parking lot.
LBC’s while we waited on the six
Partner 1 does called exercise while Partner 2 runs lap around parking lot
Heels to Heaven
Partners run opposite ways when meet complete 20 hand slap merkins then return to base.
15 Burpees OYO
Big Thank You to Heartbreaker for stepping up for his VQ at Rebel Yell. You did a great job brother.
Welcome to the FNG’s : Joel Palmer (Bout Time) and Dan Rutledge (Go Daddy). Joel has been hearing about F3 for the last 3 years but is just now posting for the 1st time. Must have been some pretty weak EH’ing going on I guess. Bout Time you showed up brother! Dan humbly stated he worked for an internet site but was quickly called out by our very own Mic Check as Dan is the owner and creator of the site. If you want to find out what it is, find him, introduce yourself and talk to him. It’s not Go Daddy nor some XXX site (which by the way was thrown out as a potential nick name – and no Purple Haze, it wasn’t me with that idea). Great to have you guys out and look forward to posting with you in the near future.
Certainly an M&P kinda day. Not a lot of creativity but I can guarantee that everyone got their cardio fill this morning. Frehley’s was happy, and no doubt we all were as well, that he took care of his business prior to posting #smokebombs. Bunch of guys were flying out there today – Throat Cotton aka Hairball, Mic Check, Freud, Rump Roast (think it was you). And making the Rebel Yell Not Top 10 of the day – Peaches rolling around like a dead cock roach after cramping during the Rosalita.
Thank you to Mic Check for taking us out in prayer and congrats again to your MadBums.
If you haven’t done so already, sign up for the Joe Davis Memorial Run. Attached is a link to the pre blast and registration instructions. I highly encourage everyone to sign up for both the 10K and 5K even if you don’t play to do both. It’s for a great cause.
We need more shoes for #SoleRedemption. Thank you Crab Cake for your donation today. I want to see @F3BigBlack weighed down.
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