Early Trick or Treat at the Peak

  • When:10/30/14
  • QIC: Geraldo
  • The PAX: Insomniac, Peeper, Tawny, Sensei, Slim Fast, Good Hands, Dumpster Fire, Clubber (Kotters), Robin Hood (WD), Geraldo

Early Trick or Treat at the Peak

10 PAX ventured to Peak 51 for some pre-Halloween DownPainment but not many treats.

The Thang:

Take a lap around the AO mixing up butt kickers, high knees, and karaoke making our way back to the lower parking lot.


  • SSH x 20
  • Merkins x 10
  • Imperial Walkers x 20
  • Merkins x 10
  • Squats x 20
  • Merkins x 10

Partner Work

Partner up, size and speed does not matter.  Partner 1 does suicides to each light pole and back while Partner 2 does called exercise, then flapjack.

  • Round 1- LBCs
  • Round 2- CDD
  • Round 3- Flutter kicks
  • Round 4- Wide arm Merkins

Animal Crawls

Move to behind the ball field and line up for some animal crawling fun.

  • Round 1- Bear Crawl 1/2 way lunge 1/2 and sprint back
  • Round 1- Crab walk 1/2 way lunge 1/2 and sprint back
  • Round 3- Bear Crawl 1/2 way lunge 1/2 and sprint back
  • Round 4- Crab walk 1/2 way lunge 1/2 and sprint back

Jack Webb

Mr. Webb made an appearance, always a crowd favorite, up to 5 and back down again.

Tunnel of Love

Line up shoulder to shoulder, plank it up, and get crawling through the tunnel. Repeato

Track Work

  • Round 1- Fellowship lap
  • Round 2- Indian Run


  • Flutter x 15
  • Dolly’s x 15
  • Rosalita x 15


  • YHC was working on a waltz-like count with the squats during COP, my apologies.
  • Kotters and welcome to Area 51 Clubber (Andrew Laing), we’re looking forward to seeing you again.
  • There was quite a bit of Tommy Boy quotes and chatter at the beginning of the workout, a classic.
  • The tunnel of love is always fun and Robin Hood rightly reminded the PAX to refrain from any noxious emissions  during said exercise.
  • Four posted for the pre-workout run Sensei, Slim Fast, Good Hands, and YHC.
  • Sensei and Good Hands getter stronger and closer to that 8:15/mile pace each each week.
  • Thanks Slim Fast for taking us out
  • It is an honor as always to lead, please sound off with any mumble chatter.



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Geraldo author

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