It only takes 2 to make a PAX

  • When:10/04/14
  • QIC: Lobster Roll
  • The PAX: O'Tannenbaum

It only takes 2 to make a PAX

(Posted on behalf of Lobster Roll)

With a large contingent of the Area 51 PAX headed down to SC for the USMC Mud Run and most of the Saturday work-outs converging at The Rock not sure who would show up at McKee Rd Elementary for the regular Saturday beat-down.  However, Lobster Roll gamely volunteered to lead whoever showed up and O’Tannenbaum made the wise (crazy??) decision to join him.  Rather than head to Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts for an early coffeteria, here is how the morning unfolded:

  • 1 mile warm-up jog to start & meet at the far end of the soccer field


  • SSH x 30
  • 10 Burpees
  • Squat x 30
  • 9 Burpees
  • MC x 30
  • 7 Burpees
  • LBCs x 30
  • 6 Burpees
  • Tricep extensions (lying down) x 15 each side
  • 5 Burpees
  • Merkins x 15
  • 4 Burpees
  • Flutters x 30
  • 3 Burpees
  • ? x ? (another exercise, however LR forgot the called exercise due to O2 deprivation)
  • 2 Burpees
  • SSH x 30
  • 1 Burpee

Jog to lower parking lot

Partner work with Cinder Block (all totals below are team totals)

  • P1 – AMRAP of called exercise, P2 – run loop around the parking lot islands – flapjack
  • Rd1 – 500 Squats
  • R2 – 400 Shoulder Presses
  • Rd3 – 300 Curls
  • Rd4 – 200 Tricep Extensions
  • Rd5 – 100 Merkins (on the block)


Work-out sounded tougher than Mud Run.  LR glad to have O’Tannenbaum join him for a full 60 minute beat-down.  Tough way to start a Saturday morning but a great accomplishment!

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Abacus author

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