Goldilocks visits Foxhole

  • When:10/20/2014
  • QIC: Stump Hugger
  • The PAX: Ickey Shuffle, Madame Tussaud, Lougie, Soft Pretzel, Probation, Mic Check, Frehley’s Comet (WD), Stump Hugger (QIC)

Goldilocks visits Foxhole


YHC decided to mix things up today and yes of course Goldilocks (mumble chatter) shows up with “it’s too far, it’s too cold, it’s too heavy” hopefully she found something that was just right. Today’s work went fast and even more so with the chilly morning gloom.

The Thang:

Warm up

SSH x 25
IW x 15

Partner Up: Don’t lose sight of him it’s dark out there

Partner 1 at white line and Partner 2 far end of field white line.
Bear Crawl to mid field – meet partner for the exercise and sprint back to the line – repeat until all complete.
50 x Hand Slap Merkins
50 x SSH
50 x CCD
50 x LBC’s
50 x Hand Slap Merkins

Everyone move to bells that were placed 5 feet apart on the field.
2 sets of 100 KB swings at each set move to the left and take the next bell. We all did these together. Some avoided the 70 lb “Beast” that Madame Tussauds and others took the pain.
10 swings 30 sec rest
15 swings 30 sec rest
25 swings 30 sec rest
50 swings 30 sec rest

Rinse and Repeat: Partner Field work.
Partner 1 at white line and Partner 2 far end of field white line.
Sprint to mid field – meet partner for the following then sprint back – repeat until complete.
25 x Hand Slap Merkins
25 x SSH
25 x CCD
25 x LBC’s
25 x Hand Slap Merkins

Rinse and Repeat: 
1 set of 100 KB swings at each set move to the left and take the next bell. 
10 swings 30 sec rest
15 swings 30 sec rest
25 swings 30 sec rest
50 swings 30 sec rest

Rinse and Repeat: Partner Field work.
Partner 1 at white line and Partner 2 far end of field white line.
Sprint to mid field – meet partner for the following then sprint back – repeat until complete
25 x Hand Slap Merkins
25 x SSH
25 x CCD
25 x LBC’s
25 x Hand Slap Merkins

Rinse and Repeat:
1 set of 100 KB swings at each set move to the left and take the next bell.
10 swings 30 sec rest
15 swings 30 sec rest
25 swings 30 sec rest
50 swings 30 sec rest

Rinse and Repeat: Partner Field work.
Partner 1 at white line and Partner 2 far end of field white line.
Sprint to mid field – meet partner for the following then sprint back – repeat until complete
10 x Hand Slap Merkins
10 x SSH
10 x CCD
10 x LBC’s
10 x Hand Slap Merkins


Lots of work out there today. YHC was told it was more running than normal. Next time we will run the whole time and carry the KB in a ruck.


Fast Twitch and Swift Convergence Tuesday 10/21 Swift and Fast Twitch will be converging for a special 1 mile trial run at Community House Middle.  Turkey Leg and Bratwurst on Q.  Check out Peblast:

New Wednesday Bootcamp workout at Marvin Ridge HS Softlaunch THIS WEEK on October 22nd. Hard launch on October 29th. Will be 0530-0615.  Check Twitter for Preblast and instructions.






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Stump Hugger author

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