Twin Peaks, Plus 1

  • When:10/08/14
  • QIC: Hairball
  • The PAX: Heartbreaker, Prohibition, Spackler, Fireman Ed, Frehley’s Comet (WD-Respect), Big Tuna, Morningstar, Garbage Plate, Patch Adams, Nature Boy, Meatloaf (FNG - Brandon Lineberger), Splinter, Freud (WB), Chipotle, Morning After, Rump Roast, Brisket, Strawberry, Boomer Sooner, Bulldog (FIFO), Hairball (QIC)

Twin Peaks, Plus 1

Posted on behalf of Hairball

Despite speculation and swirling rumors that we may be spending a fair amount of time on Murderhorn, 21 pax beat the fartsack and attacked the peaks of Stonecrest under a nearly full moon. YHC was surprised and humbled to see such a large gathering of pax at the AO early, and eager this morning. Heard a few rumblings about thinking there was pre-KB at 0500 – regardless of the intent, it was great seeing a strong group ready to get after it. At about 0528, a jacked up black F150 came roaring into the lot. Now we could get started.


The Thang-


-merkins x30

-slow low squat x20

-ski abs x15


Triple up


Mosey to Indigo Row for some partner work

-P1 – partner derkin with feet on shoulders of P2

-P2 – OH press with P1’s feet – alternate P1 derkin with P2 OH press

-P3 – sprint short loop around Indigo Row


*Let the record show your fearless site Q @Spackler got in some extra credit with a bonus lap #trueleader


SSH until the 6 (site Q) finishes


Mosey to Firebirds Hill for the Triple Nickel [Peak 1]

-top of hill: hand-release merkins x5

-bottom of hill: burpees x5

-repeato x5


LBCs OYO until the 6 finishes


Mosey to the back corner of Stonecrest to the hill behind target for more partner work [Peak 2]

-Starting positions: P1 – dead weight, P2 – partner drag, P3 – Sprints


Circuit 1: P2 partner drags P1 along stretch of speed bumps behind HT towards AO launch point whilst P3 sprints away from partners to top of hill and back to partners. Sprints get progressively longer as partners drag away from hill. Flapjack. P3 gets dragged, P2 sprints, P1 does the dragging.


Lots of mouth-breathing and borderline mutiny going on after 1-circuit. #Omaha


Circuit 2: P1 bear crawls, P2 lunge walk, P3 sprints up hill. Flapjack until pax reaches movie theater.


Bonus time leftover for an AYG trip down and up the Murderhorn [Bonus Peak].




Lots of hard work being done out there and not a lot of mumblechatter. With the BRR and mudrun in the rearview mirror, mileage was not the priority today. Several pax had their smokeboots on during the triple nickel. The hill behind Firebirds, while not the biggest in A51, I dare say is top 3 in steepness.


As usual, partner OH press/derkins were a crowd pleaser. Fortunately, all groups followed directions and were facing away from one another during the movements.


YHC felt a mutiny rising on the partner drags and opted for the audible to bear crawls. Its never too early to train for #mudrun2015


Rebel Yell just wouldn’t be Rebel Yell without a small sampling of the Murderhorn. Several pax thought they got lucky and we’d run out of time. Lucky for them we had just enough time for an AYG sprint down and back.


Great seeing Nature Boy EH a FNG, Meatloaf, after his first F3 post yesterday at Anvil. Welcome gents.


It’s always a pleasure to lead such a strong group of men. Solid work out there this morning. T-claps to Spackler our interim site chaplain. Haze- he would have made you proud.




  • 3rd F workout today Bojangles in SouthPark @ 12 noon. Check out the weekly schedule for other 3rd F workouts – there are 5 in Area 51
  • Turkey Leg needs some help moving tomorrow (Friday) between 1-5pm. Beverages will be an incentive.
  • Temperatures are starting to cool off. Keep posting during the cold months. You’ll feel better for it and keep all the hard work you’ve put in over the summer rolling into next year.


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Spackler author

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10 years ago

Few things will wreck a workout faster than bad bowel timing. Not many shadows to hide in under the lights at RY (@Splinter). One of the few perks of spending time on Murderhorn.

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