Rockin’ Basecamp

  • When:10/06/14
  • QIC: High Tide
  • The PAX: Fireman Ed, Tony, Big Tuna, Lewinski, Morning Star (FNG - Yuri N), Spinner, Smash, Pele, Passport, Calloway, High Tide (Q)

Rockin’ Basecamp

11 pax, including one FNG, ventured out into the cool, dew covered fields of Basecamp to start their week off right with a moderate downPAINment.  Here’s how they Rocked It:

The Thang:

Mosey to the lower ball fields, into the outfield for COP


  • Side Straddle Hop – 15 in cadence (IC)
  • Burpees – 5 on your own (OYO)
  • Imperial Walker – 20 IC
  • Burpees – 4 OYO
  • Merkins – 10 IC
  • Burpees – 3 OYO
  • Mountain Climbers – 10 IC
  • Burpees – 2 OYO
  • Peter Parker – 10 IC
  • Burpees – 1 OYO
  • Parker Peter – 10 IC

Mosey to rock pile for hand-sized rock (i.e. you can easily handle it with one hand) and return to the outfield

Rockin’ the Outfield

(brief demonstration of the sequence for a Turkish Getup)

  • 5 Rock Getups – Right hand, then Left  (modify with no rock if needed or if inexperienced with Getups)
  • 10 Rock Squat Thrusters – squat with rock at chest/rack position then extend overhead as return to standing – Right, then Left
  • 10 Rock Merkins – chest touches rock in down position – down on 1, hold counts 2 & 3, up/count on 4
  • Rock Lunges – from center field to right field fence, then mosey back

Mosey with your rock to the bleachers

Rockin’ the Bleachers

Right side

  • 10 Step Ups with rock
  • 10 Merkins with hand on rock
  • 15 Curls with rock
  • 15 Tricep Extensions with rock – arm at side, pressing back
  • 20 Supine Rows – using both hands, unless you’re #FiremanEdStrong
  • Repeato on Left

Mosey to outfield with rock, circle up and drop rock

Still Rockin, without the Rock

  • Jack Webb – up to 5/20 and back down

Return rock to pile and mosey to track

  • One lap of track, plank-o-rama until all pax are in
  • Karioke right to mid-track bleachers, Karioke left back to start

Mosey to parking lot and circle up for Mary


  • Old School Situps – 10 IC – touch ground behind head and beside feet
  • Dolly – 15 IC
  • LBC – 15 IC
  • Flutter – 10 IC





Great work by the pax today, with some new moves for Basecamp.

Special welcome to FNG Morning Star, who was “EH’d” by a neighbor’s wife and looked us up on the website to find us on his own!  Glad to have you out this morning, and welcome to the Pax.  Keep coming out and you’ll notice a difference.

T-claps to Fireman Ed for grinding out the workout this morning.  FE survived the Mud Run unscathed, only to injure his thumb yesterday playing soccer, reportedly while flopping.  Hope it gets better soon – see a Dr?

So, YHC did some recon on Saturday in hopes of finding the long rumored trail between S CLT Middle and Davies Park for a short mosey over for some pullups, etc on the playground.  No such luck in finding the trail, but a couple of rock piles were discovered.  The Weinke was changed and those rocks were put to good use instead.

Hope you all enjoyed the Rock Getups – something new for Basecamp and a mild introduction to getups, a great overall body conditioner.  The Rock Lunges is another story, in that it was a looong walk from centerfield to the right field fence.  #ImGonnaWalkFunnyTomorrow

Marketing note:  if you like the rocks or the getups or dislike running, give Meathead a try on Thursdays.  We lift heavy things and don’t run very much.  #0.0

Thanks for the opportunity to lead today.  Always an honor.


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High Tide author

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