23 men showed up on a crisp fall morning to get some work in. The bell was sounded and off we went. Mosey over to the parking lot in front of the movie theatre and the disclaimer was given.
SSH x 25
IW x 20
Mountain climber x 20. Hold at the end
Christain Lattner with peter parker x 11
Brian Davis with parker peter x 10
Mosey over to Firebirds and Cantina. Partner up. Partner 1 runs to the first island while partner 2 does hand release burpee to a jump up. Stop once the group reaches 20.
Mosey to the fountains. Partner 1 runs around the first set of buildings while partner two does incline merkins to a jump up. Do a total of 50.
Repto except do decline merkins to a total of 50 while partner runs around the first building.
Mosey to a new territory. Stop on the sidewalk on Rea between Chick Fil A and the Learning Store. Set of five with five diamond merkins at the top and five wide arm merkins at the bottom. Watch out for the mud!
Mosey to the parking lot in front of Harris Teeter. Divide up in groups of four for pain stations. Station one supine pullups. Station two bicycle. Station three carolina dry docks. Station four dolly. Do each exercise for one minute. Repto with station one still being supine pullups. Station two LBC. Station three alternating wide arm to short arm merkins. Do five each way. Station four the dying coach roach. Each station for one minute.
Mosey back to the launch site for one minute of mary. Combo the dolly for two count to a bicycle for two count.
Moleskin: Great work out of everyone today. The Pax did a good job staying together and there was never any wait for the six. We tried some new things today and went to some new places in Stonecrest. It is always a challenge to come up with new ways to beatdown the Pax. I enjoy getting the opportunity to lead each time I am asked.
There was some mumble chatter with some of the new exercises but mostly from our head Q. Easily dismissed.
Bring your “mittens” and blankets so you can cuddle after the mud run race if you are on TR’s team. I am sure that Hops is glad he is running with another team this time.
Be at South Charlotte M.S. by 5:15am.
Good luck tomorrow to Semi-Gloss and his wife for their scheduled C-section. Keep them in your prayers.
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