With the BRR just a week away, the last thing YHC wanted to do is run forever. So YHC took the helm of Rebel Yell and 11 pax showed up for a 2nd installment of a Rebel Yell beat down.
Find an open area very close by and circle up.
IW X 25 IC
20 Merkins OYO
Peter Parkers X 20 IC
PArtner up. Size and speed does not matter. Partner 1 runs the perimeter of the lot (around 200M), while partner does said exercise. Flapjack until total reached cumulatively.
100 CDD
200 Merkins
300 LBC
Between each exercise plank with various R/L hand high.
100 wide arm Merkins
300 squats
200 Russian twists
Just enough time for Mary
Flutter X 25 IC
I figured since the BRR has tons of running by your self, we should do the exact opposite and perform every exercise with a partner. This way you count on your brother to pull you through the final sets. The great thing is that we didn’t have to move the pax far to get the full benefit. Even this cool morning we were gasping for 02. The idea was to do as much as possible with very little rest. This was accomplished. Great showing by all.
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