Posted on behalf of Strawberry.
Mosey to lot in front of Michaels.
– SSH X 25
– Mountain Climbers x 25
– Stay Planked Philmont!
– Merkins x 5 = regular; diamond, wide, close
– Stretching: on your 6 and touch your toes for 10 count; butterfly for 10; partner up to lean on and stretch quads for 10 count; calves for 10.
Mosey down to front of Stonecrest entrance and around/up Ballantyne Commons Pkwy. Back in and mosey to the back of Target.
– 10 Burpees OYO
– Lunge walk from 1st speed bump to next; 15 Merkins
– Run backwards to next speed bump; 15 merkins
– Side twist run to next speed bump; 15 merkins
– Flapjack to next and 15 merkins.
Mosey to Murderhorn and down to the bottom.
– Partner up if feeling froggy = Wheelbarrow with every 5 steps do 1 merkin. If not feeling froggy – 10 merkins and bear crawl halfway; 10 more merkins and bear crawl rest of the way to rocks. If Really not feeling froggy = 10 merkins and sprint halfway to rocks; 10 merkins and sprint to rocks; 10 merkins
Grab 2 small rocks – one in each hand.
– In cadence:
o Alternating bicep curls x 15
o Front raises x 15
o Side raises x 10 (this one hurt)
o Bent rows x 10 (not much better)
o Return rocks
Jog up murderhorn and LBC’s until all PAX arrive up top.
Jailbreak back to cars
Mary: Dolly; Rosalita; Flutter; Heels to Heaven.
I believe everyone was relieved that the humidity was a lot more manageable – I sure was. I threw in some different workouts to keep things fresh: stretching is key as we are all beat down; and when is the last time you had to find 2 rocks of similar size for some arm workouts. Chipotle had trouble with that – Dude – you’re the biggest/strongest of us all – grab those 2 boulders! Hairball wore his ‘burpee shoes’ vs. running shoes – apparently I must have a reputation for burpees. I won’t disappoint with only 10 burpees next time. Too bad we did a lot more running than anyone probably expected. Again – keeping it fresh. The wheelbarrow / bear crawl / sprint options at the Murderhorn were a bit disjointed – next time no options will be given (disclaimer time). Freely’s Comet is the ultimate WD – he was busting out LBC’s OYO at every stop. Thanks for letting me lead – I enjoy it every time.
– Strawberry
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