Foxhole Fireworks

  • When:07/07/14
  • QIC: Frehleys Comet
  • The PAX: Mic Check, Lugie, Worm, Soft Pretzel, Honeybee, Mighty Mite, Rip Curl, Crabcake, Madam Tussauds

Foxhole Fireworks

No July 4th hangover at Foxhole. We hit the ground running this morning:

Warmup: Lap around the parking lot. Squat X 20, SSH X 20, Mountain Climber X 20, Imperil Walker X 20, Merkins X 30. Mosey to soccer field for Circle of Pain…

Workout: 2H Swing X 20, Squat,Curl, Press X 10 ea arm, Upright Row X 20, Plank Merkins X 20 (1 hand on Kettel Bell – rotate hands in plank position), Goblet Squats X 20.  Sprints: 4 X 50 yards.

Reverse lunge w/KB swing between legs X 20, bent over 1 arm lat rows X 20, tricept extension X 20, 2 sets hammer curls X 20, Romanian Dead Lift X 20. Sprints 2 X 50 yards.

Mosey to jungle gyms: 2 sets plank rows X 20; 2 sets Dips with KB in lap X 20.  Mosey to school building for 8 minutes of People’s Chair with Kettel Bell holds, rows overhead presses, and short sprints (recovery) between the buildings.

Mary: Used the benches for elevation to increase intensity. All in cadence for 20 count: LBC’s, Dolly w/KB press, Flutter w/KB press, Bicycle, Heels to Heaven, Protracter.

Mosey back to parking lot for short sprints with Merkins in between 3 X 15.


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Frehleys Comet author

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