Variety is the Spice of Life

  • When:06/28/14
  • QIC: Abacus, Yankee
  • The PAX: Ocho Cinco, Lobster Roll, Floor Slapper, Slapshot, Cold Cuts, Beaver, Root Canal, Gobbler, Tool Time, Coal Miner's Daughter, Donkey Kong, Tyler Trueman (FNG - F3 Name deferred)

Variety is the Spice of Life

Belated backblast for Area 51 work-out held 06/28/14.  Originally had planned just your normal 60 minute beatdown for the PAX at McKee Road Elementary.  However, Yankee and Slapshot had come up with few ideas while conversing over a few cold ones the night before.  YHC was happy to turn the Q over after the first 30 for a change of pace.  Here’s how the morning unfolded:

Slow jog through the parking lot by the soccer fields and circle up for COP:

  • SSH x 20 (IC)
  • IW x 20 (IC)
  • Squats x 15 (IC)
  • MC x 15 (IC)
  • Peter Parker x 15 (IC)
  • Parker Peter x 15 (IC)

Mosey over to side of parking lot and line up along the curb:

  • Forward run across the lot, 10 Burpees, run back, 20 Merkins, run across, 30 Squats, run back to start, Plank it up and wait for PAX to finish
  • Rinse & Repeat, w/ backward run replacing forward run, 10 Burpees/20 Merkins/30 Squats
  • Rinse & Repeat, w/ karaoke replacing backward run, 10 Burpees/20 Merkins/30 Squats
  • Rinse & Repeat w/ forward run, 10 Spartan Burpees/20 Staggered Right Merkins/30 Squats
  • Rinse & Repeat w/ forward run, 10 Spartan Burpees/20 Staggered Left Mekins/30 Squats

Worked up a nice sweat so we headed over to front of school for People’s Chair:

  • PC x 60 secs (w/ 30 air presses)
  • Lunge walk to parking lot

With the first 30 minutes in the books, YHC turned the keys over to Yankee for 2nd half beatdown.

Various kettle bells, dumbbells, and a single 10 lb plate were spread out across the parking lot.  PAX partnered up (size does not matter) for some circuit work.  Partner 1 performs exercise, Partner 2 runs length of parking lot & back.  Flapjack until complete 100 reps of exercise:

  • Station 1 –  Tricep extension w/ kb
  • Station 2 –  2 hand kb swing
  • Station 3 –  Double kb press
  • Station 4 –  Upright kb rows
  • Station 5 –  Double barbell curls
  • Station 6 –  Farmer Carry w/ kb, partner 2 completes merkins
  • Station 7 –  Hair burners, partner 2 completes lbcs

PAX rotate between stations until all have hit each station

2-3 minutes left, so circle up for a little Mary:

  • LBC x 25 (IC)
  • CCV x 10R (IC)
  • CCV x 10L (IC)



  • YHC originally planned for 60 minute routine with a another round of 50 burpees/100 merkins/150 squats for 2nd half.  Thankfully, Yankee requested to lead the 2nd half for a change of pace.  KB/dumbbell/hair burner stations were a nice addition to the normal Saturday morning schedule.
  • Tclaps to Lobster Roll for wearing 20lb weight vest for this one.  It was rather toasty out there.
  • Ocho Cinco running strong on the Burpee/Merkin/Squat series in the parking lot along with Floor Slapper and Cold Cuts.


  • F3 Dads each Saturday during the summer at Colonel Francis Beatty Park off of Weddington Road from 9 a.m.-10 a.m.  Bring out your 2.0s.
  • 2nd Annual F3 Camp to be held weekend of Aug 15-17 at YMCA Camp Thunderbird
  • Sign up for Mud Run to be held 10/4/14
  • July 4th convergence of all Friday work-outs to be held at Calvary, site of The Rock.  Bulldog, Runstopper, and Dora will be the workout Qs.
  • Area 51 to converge w/ The Rock on 7/5/14


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Abacus author

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