Chatty Kathy Saturday

  • When:06/28/14
  • QIC: Fargo
  • The PAX: Diesel, Handsome Rob (newly dubbed)

Chatty Kathy Saturday

Had 3 young men show up for a balmy and humid Sat. morning beatdown. Had our 2nd visit from Ross who lives fairly close to East Lincoln High and was great to see the Sailview workout last Sat. prompted a return this weekend. Had a lot of chatter this morning for some reason, all good and much of it about the 4th coming up….who’s doing what and going where.


Warm up Jog around the parking lot
20IC Side Straddle Hop
15IC Squats
15IC Mt. Climbers
10IC Imperial Squat Walkers
10IC  Windmills
Parking lot up the hill Lunge walk 30 yards up hill +mb (+ mosey back)
10IC Merkins
high knees +mb
10 Berpees
butt kicker +mb
10IC Merkins
karaoke left +mb
10 Berpees
*** what goes left must go right
karaoke right +mb
To the Track 2X – Manmakers (suicides) 25 yards and back, 50 yards and back, 75 yards and back, 100 yards and back.
To bleachers – 3X Partner up, A does hop ups to the top with squat on each step, back down
B does tricep dips on bottom row
Flip-flop and repeat-o
To the Track A sprints a full lap around the track, B does manmaker – Flip-flop and repeat-o
To the wall – 2X Iron chair against the brick wall in line,
A runs around to the bench (+/- 50 yards) and back,
B iron chair against the wall
Flip-flop and repeat-o
6 Minutes of Mary 10x low flutter
10x Hip Dips left
10x Hip Dips right
10x Freddie Mercury’s
30sec Mason Twists
Reflection: Hebrews 13:5c-6 “I will never leave you nor forsake you. So we can confidently say, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?’”


– Great group for a good workout this morning, we were all sweating like mad men by the end of warm ups and totally soaked by the last Mason Twist.Moleskin:

– Ross returned for his 2nd workout with us and the nickname he has earned is not a reflection on how I feel about him but rather who he looks like from the movie “The Italian Job”…..his new nickname is dubbed to be “Handsome Rob”. 

– Diesel put in a great effort today out running both Handsome and myself in the last half of the workout…great work man!!!

– Had a lot of chatter today as previously mentioned, always good to get to know your beatdown com-padres a little more. Diesel and Handsome planned to attend the fireworks show at East Lincoln tonight so we saw the setup going on and talked quite a bit about that plus Handsome’s work as a general contractor, etc.

– Great job fellas and look to see everyone after the 4th….Fargo is going to Fargo for a few days to visit the fam……..will be nice to get out of the heat for a couple!!!!

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Matt Jacobson author

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Light Bulb
Light Bulb
10 years ago

100 yard suicides! You’ve been hanging around Cheetah too long. Sounds like something from his twisted mind. Good workout guys. #keepingitstrong.

10 years ago

I remember Fargo when he was just a young sadclown. And now he’s delivering downpainments to the Denver pax is fine form. Nicely done, brother!

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