P90x on the Mountain

  • When:06/20/14
  • QIC: Stone Cold
  • The PAX: Baracus, Lobster roll, Lab Rat, Bubba (FNG) aka Shrimpboat, Bushwood, Big Top, Hacksaw, Horsehead, Puddin' Pop, Semigloss, Rivet, Stonec cold (QIC)

P90x on the Mountain

Another hot and humid morning to welcome the dirty dozen pax of Joust.  Sign the waiver and announce the disclaimer (ok, we should be covered) now we’re off…

The Thang:

To the track Lap 1- mosey, fellowship pace (mumblechatter)


SSH x 20

IW x 20

Groiners x 15

Shore Shoulders x 15 (forward, reverse, then up)

Lap 2- little faster now

To Grandmother Mountain:  Partner up, P90x Chest and Back; Said exercise at bottom then to the top for said exerise

At Bottom:  Merkin x 10 ea, Diamonds x 10 ea, Wide Arms x 10, Derkins x 10

At Top:  Wide Arm pullups x 10 ea, Reverse Grip x 10, Close Grip Pullups x 10

Plankarama til others are done

Lap 3 (with staduim stairs)

Rinse and Repeat  P90x on the Mountain with New partner

Superman/Banana….Banana Boat(?)

Lap 4

100’s x 10 (30 sec.)

Mosey Back to COT

Naked Moleskin:

This was a tough one boys, YHC put is all down on the weinke and was concerned about getting it all in but we did it and did it well.  Nice work out there and You did work hard.

The thought was to bring P90x to the Gma Mountain.  Push and Pull with the standard Chest and Back routine.  G-ma made it even that much harder.

It’s great to see the partners encourage and help each other.  Pull-ups are down right hard, no doubt.  There is no pride in having your brother help you.  Remember that, not just in the workouts but in all of life’s challenges.  We need to be there for each other.

Lobster roll (as we rolled by Gma Mt), “Shhh, don’t wake her up yet.”

Strong efforts all around but notably pushing hard were Big Top and Hacksaw.  PUDDIN’ (I just love sayin’ that)

LabRat brought out a FNG (Bubba) from Gainesville, FL now known as Shrimpboat.  We somehow lost him in the second run on the Mt.  #naturecalls  Nice work, Shrimpboat, hope to see you out again.  #bringtheTP

10 x 100’s will definitely make you O2 deprived.  You hate em but you love em.

Extra strong sendoff by Horsehead.  Thank you,HH.


F3 Dads at Colonel Beatty Park starts this Sat at 9am.  Header is Q.

Joust and Kevlar will converge next week at CCS.  (forgot that one in the COT but read it here)



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Stone Cold author

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10 years ago

Smoker workout. The 2nd round on the mountain was brutal.

Good to be back at some bootcamps now – definitely have some catching up to do.

Big Top
Big Top
10 years ago

That was one Stone Cold of a workout man. “…notably pushing hard were Big Top and Hacksaw” Better said, Big Top was about to die. The view from the empennage was painful – pushed hard and still couldn’t keep up. #willkeeppushing

I went home and slept for 2 more hours. Just sayin.

10 years ago

A brutal workout indeed Stone Cold. I’m pretty sure my watch was beeping at me because my heart rate was maxed out! Thanks to Lab Rat and Lobster Roll for the pull-up assist. Pull-ups are my nemesis! Pretty sure Lobster Roll was doing all the work for me on the last couple sets.

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