It was muggy and the murph was on the prowl. Pre kettle bell was a flop. Spinner and udder shot the stuff for 15 mins while waiting on passport to arrive. Basecamp will try pre KB again. Watch out for preblast a and or tweets.
With 10 reluctant fartsack forsakes gathered we headed out for a Hero of a workout.
the thang: The Murph (abbreviated)
SCMS > Davie Park .7 miles
stops along the way. Corner for merkins x 10 IC, midway for SSH x 15 IC, davie entrance plankorama. All gathered up we head for the playground.
partner up and help your buddy. 50 pull ups, 100 merkins, 150 squats. 1/2 murph. 5 sets total = 10, 20, 30
plqnkorama and Mary when your done.
all gathered up. Head back to AP
stops. Midway for plank, corner for Mary, home for some more Mary.
mary: lbc, Freddie mercs, dolly, ccv
still got 30secs according to simba. 5 burpies oyo
this might have been the first murph for our moderate basecamp workout. Proud of everyone for gutting it out. It’s simple and rediculously hard. DFQ. Glad to have led this morning. Strong send off by simba. #preacherman
f3 young life mudrun. Sept. Check site for details
f3 dads this sat
f3 camp aug 15-17 register online
prayers for pele’s wife, undergoing kemo, and family
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