Joust EMBE Edition

  • When:06/06/14
  • QIC: Mr. Brady
  • The PAX: Baracus, Stone Cold, Uncle Leo, Lego, Rivit, The Shore, Lobster Roll, Mr Brady (QIC)

Joust EMBE Edition

Posted for 1st time Q- Mr Brady (well done today)

“EMBE” – Early Morning Bug Eaters

The mumble chatter at this morning’s workout devolved into a discussion on the consumption of small insects.  It turns out Uncle Leo is a bit of a sommelier when it comes to bugs.  He prefers the musty, earthen bouquet of lighting bugs well-aged in a mason jar.  Baracus keeps a more “all natural” approach and eats his straight out the air.

Some time was also spent on a scientific investigation into the origin of little black bits of ground rubber from the synthetic turf that cling to sweaty skin.  They are “Dingle Berries”, of the genus “Annoying”, from Latin for “I’ve got tiny balls in my shorts again”.

We also did some exercising:

20 SSH

20 IW

Holding a squat while doing arm circles: 20 front rotation, 20 back rotation

20 Dollies

½ Mile Indian Run

Cumberland County Viaducts, 20 each side

Suicides with a bear crawl return leg

25 Heels to Heaven

10 trips up Grandmother mountain.  Merkins at the top and Flutters at the bottom.

20 Windmills

20 Jump Squats

10 Merkins

Walking Lunges

Jail Break back to the parking lot.

20 IW

20 SSH

LBC’s to finish it up.



The Bear in NoCo this Sat

June 14th- CSAUP olymipics and Pool Party that evening (look for Evite in weekly email)

June 21st- F3 Dads starts

About the author

Stone Cold author

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10 years ago

“I’ve got tiny balls in my shorts again”.

If symptoms persist for more than four hours, you may have been in the pool too long.

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