How about some hills and a bit of Murph?

  • When:06/5/14
  • QIC: Geraldo
  • The PAX: Passport, Gullah, Rapunzel, Swiss Miss, Insomniac, Header, Freedom (FNG), Blender (FNG), JV, Sensei, Dora, Blue Hen, Geraldo (QIC)

How about some hills and a bit of Murph?

13 of Area 51’s finest, including 2 FNGs, ignored the fartsack and made their way to Peak 51.

The Thang:


  • SSH x 25
  • Merkins x 15
  • IW x 20
  • Peter Parker x 15

Mosey to the building for circuit work

  • CCD x 10
  • Dips x 15
  • LBCs  x 20
  • Repeato

Run to the Hills

Mosey to the hill behind the baseball field and partner up

Round 1

  • Partner 1 bear crawl up & run down
  • Partner 2 Jump Squats
  • Flap Jack

Round 2

  • Partner 1 Lunge Walk up & run down
  • Partner 2 Mountain Climbers
  • Flap Jack

Round 3

  • Partner 1 Run up & run down
  • Partner 2 Freddy Mercury
  • Flap Jack

Round 4

  • Partner 1 Bear Crawl up & run down
  • Partner 2 Parker Peter
  • Flapjack

The Playground

Mosey to the track and playground area for a partial-Murph circuit.

  • Run a lap around the track and then complete the following exercises and complete 4 rounds in total.
  • 10 Pull Ups
  • 15 Merkins
  • 20 Squats

Complete 4 rounds in total

Mosey to parking lot for Mary

  • Rosalita x 15
  • 5 Burpee OYO
  • Dolly’s x 10

The Moleskin:

  • Solid work by the PAX today, the #Peak51 crew is bringing it each week
  • YHC loved the mumble chatter by one of the PAX something about not liking the way YHC looked at the hill
  • Passport kept mentioning not having it today but he seemed to be moving around the track pretty well #I’llHaveWhatHe’sHaving
  • Thanks again for the opportunity to lead
  • Sound off with anything I may have missed



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Geraldo author

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